SKD for integration Aptos features to .NET and Unity platforms
Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain bringing a paradigm shift to Web3 through better technology and user experience. Built with Move to create a home for developers building next-gen applications.
Build package
NuGet (coming soon)
dotnet add package AptosSDK --version 0.1.0
You can reference the library in the paket.dependencies
paket git [email protected]:mirage-xyz/aptos-sdk.git
To read more about Paket options read the link below.
You can build package
dotnet build
or download it from releases;
To get references documentation please follow the link.
string NodeUrl = "";
string FaucetUrl = "";
Client client = new Client(NodeUrl);
FaucetClient faucetClient = new FaucetClient(FaucetUrl, _client);
TokenClient tokenClient = new TokenClient(_client);
var from = new Account();
var to = new Account();
await _faucetClient.FundAccount(from, TopUpAmount);
var pendingTransaction = await _coinClient.Transfer(from, to, 1000);
var awaiter = new TransactionAwaiter(_client);
var transaction = await awaiter.WaitForTransactionWithResult(pendingTransaction.Hash);
var description = "Collection for test";
var uri = "";
var collectionName = "Mirage Aptos SDK";
var transaction = await tokenClient.CreateCollection(from, collectionName, description, uri);
var collectionData = await _tokenClient.GetCollectionData(_from.Address, _collectionName);
var tokenName = "Mirages's first token";
var tokenDescription = "Mirages's simple token";
var transaction = await tokenClient.CreateToken(
var tokenData = await tokenClient.GetTokenData(_from.Address, _collectionName, _tokenName);
To get more examples check examples project.