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Releases: jamesbrindle/YTMusicUploader

Version 1.6.8

18 Feb 19:06
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Bug Fix

  • Fetching playlists fetches the initial list and the first continuation lists then stop, so only ever fetching a max playlist amount of 48. The continuation bug has now been fixed.

Version 1.6.7

12 Feb 19:14
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Playlist Fetch Bug Fix

  • 'Manage YT Music' form should now show all playlists on YTM not just the first 24.

Version 1.6.6

11 Jan 15:56
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Playlist Creation Bug Fix

  • Manged to find the culprit as to why YTM with giving a 400 error when trying to create some playlists... The application has a few 'caches' to reduce requests to YTM, one process prefetches artists and playlists, to later be 'searched' for checking if a song has already been uploaded. It was in here that I found I was setting the 'videoId' to be the 'entityId' of the track.

* This has been rectified in this version, however I'm going to mark this release of 'pre-release' and do some checking before making it a full release as this fix requires another 're-scan' of your music library. This would be the 2nd forced re-scan so I want to be sure everything is fixed before making everyone do that.

  • Unfortunately, while trying to submit this release as 'pre-release', the YT Music Uploader app didn't (until now) recognise 'pre-releases', so will offer to update regardless, therefore it's going to perform a full rescan of your library just to be aware.

Version 1.6.4

08 Jan 19:13
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For some random reason, some versions of VLC don't save .m3u playlists correctly. In fact you then try and open the playlist in VLC it doesn't even load... None-the-less, the file paths are present in the file, so the playlist can still be parsed. The parser is present in this version.

Bug Analysis - Auto Upload of Playlists

A lot of people are getting 400 - Bad Request when the application tries to create a YTM playlist. I've no idea why this is and can't replicate it, and have been trying to figure it out. This version will provide additional diagnostic data when that error is encountered so I can troubleshoot the issue.

Version 1.6.3

03 Jan 16:13
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Bug Fixes

Playlist Processing

  • Exception when user doesn't have an online playlist (massive oversight) - Object not set to an instance of an object.

  • Not sure on this one - People getting '400' - Bad request error... I 'think' it's because I try to extract the 'Title' of the playlist from the content of the playlist for certain files (.wpl, .zpl). However sometimes this will be empty (YTM playlist requires a title) - Therefore now fall-back to filename of playlist.

Version 1.6.2

02 Jan 02:54
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Bug Fixes

  • System folder watcher (for detecting folder changes, file changes etc) wasn't working for file 'content' changes - This was particularly noticable when editing playlists, and the app doesn't then process the changes. This has been rectified.

  • After a set time, the app will re-process all files, in case they're not on YTM. The process for detecting if a music file is already present online has been optimised in the case where the file has already been uploaded and is present in the database, since we already have the entity ID of the track at this point.


  • Playlist creation - track location - I've found that some of my tracks within some playlists have the network location (i.e. //jamie-pc/music/...) rather than the actual local path. Not sure why, but this is an issue seen as though the app cross-references the 'path' within a 'watch folder' only - to then get the tracks video ID from the database in order to then create the playlist (or add to it) on YTM... To work around this: if on first path check, if the file exists but the path isn't present in the database, I cross reference using the hash of the file (since this is also stored in the database)... Which seem to work quite nicely.

Version 1.6.1

31 Dec 22:17
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New Feature - Playlist Upload


New Feature Includes

  • After file scan and standard music upload, playlist processing will take place which involves gathering a list of music file paths contained within your local playlist files, ensuring the paths within the playlist actually exist, and can be cross-referenced then with the already uploaded music files via the YTM's video (entity) ID. Then the application will create a new playlist on YTM (or add to it, if it already exists).
  • The local playlists file's 'last write / modified' date-time is taken into account, therefore if you update the playlist (add new music tracks), the application should pick this up and re-process the playlist file.
  • If you have a YTM playlist that you've created seperately, but you also have a local playlist with the same title (same file name for .m3u and .pls files, 'Title' property within the content of the playlist file for .wpl and .zpl files), the application will assume this to be the same playlist and will update it.
  • Supported playlist file types include: .m3u, .m3u8, .wpl, .pls, zpl
  • YTM only allows a maximum playlist size of 5,000 tracks. If the playlist exeeds this limit, only the first 5,000 tracks will be taken from the playlist.
  • You can also use the 'Manage YT Music' form (screenshot above) to check YTM playlists and optionally delete tracks from them or delete the playlist entirely.


  • The database prior to version 1.6.0 doesn't include YTM's 'Video ID' data associated with a music track... There are various 'unique' ID's YTM uses... For everything other than playlists, YTM tends to use 'browseID' and 'entityID'. I wasn't aware of this until starting work on the playlist feature, so unfortunatley with this update the application will need to perform a full scan and upload check on your music library in order to retrieve the 'Video ID', which the application needs to be able to create the playlists with (sorry about that!).

Other Considerations

  • During tests I have achieved a good success rate in duplicating local playlists onto YTM. However, occationally, the ID8 metadata tags (where they are poor) on some of my tracks don't translate to what then appears on YTM, for I don't know what reason... It woulud be a lot easier if when uploading a track to YTM, it responded with a unique ID!!!... You may therefore notice that some of your tracks will 're-upload' to YouTube Music (non-detrimental - YouTube generally does a good job of preventing duplicates). This is because the application has been unable to get YTM entity id after upload, so it thinks it doesn't exist online... For the same reason, if the application is unable to retrieve the video ID of the track, then it can't cross-reference the track that it needs to include in playlist, so it will just skip it.
  • This may result in some of your uploaded playlist having a few tracks missing from your local playlist.

Version 1.5.7

28 Dec 02:31
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Added Feature

  • Added new project; a standalone updater mini application that will (if user initiates) download and install the new version available on GitHub in an automated manner.

Version 1.5.6

28 Dec 02:24
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Added Feature

  • Added new project; a standalone updater mini application that will (if user initiates) download and install the new version available on GitHub in an automated manner.

Don't install this version, as another version will be uploaded immediately after this to test the auto install feature - Download that one instead

Version 1.5.5

27 Dec 19:41
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  • Implemented DB integrity checker, which executes at application startup. If error then gives option to reset the database.

Bug Fixes

  • Music file DB repo issue when LastUploadError is null (Dapper mapper)