This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 27, 2021. It is now read-only.
Version 1.6.2
Bug Fixes
System folder watcher (for detecting folder changes, file changes etc) wasn't working for file 'content' changes - This was particularly noticable when editing playlists, and the app doesn't then process the changes. This has been rectified.
After a set time, the app will re-process all files, in case they're not on YTM. The process for detecting if a music file is already present online has been optimised in the case where the file has already been uploaded and is present in the database, since we already have the entity ID of the track at this point.
- Playlist creation - track location - I've found that some of my tracks within some playlists have the network location (i.e. //jamie-pc/music/...) rather than the actual local path. Not sure why, but this is an issue seen as though the app cross-references the 'path' within a 'watch folder' only - to then get the tracks video ID from the database in order to then create the playlist (or add to it) on YTM... To work around this: if on first path check, if the file exists but the path isn't present in the database, I cross reference using the hash of the file (since this is also stored in the database)... Which seem to work quite nicely.