This is the One Monokai theme for Qt Creator 4+.
It is based on One Monokai for Visual Studio Code, which is a cross between Monokai and One Dark.
Monokai was created by Wimer Hazenberg in 2006 for Textmate.
One Dark was created by Github in 2014 for Atom.
Find your QT Creator installation folder. That's were you install the application theme, because it's a non-configurable application ressource. If you installed Creator together with Qt it's:
Install the application color-theme (
) toQtCreator/share/qtcreator/themes/
- Windows:
xcopy -Y one-monokai.creatortheme C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\themes\
- Linux | Mac:
cp one-monokai.creatortheme ~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/themes
- Windows:
- Find your Qt Creator config folder. That's were you install the syntax color-scheme, because you want it to be editable.
- Install the syntax-highlighting color-scheme (
) toqtcreator\styles
- Windows:
xcopy -Y one-monokai.xml "%APPDATA%\QtProject\qtcreator\styles\"
- Linux | Mac:
cp one-monokai.xml ~/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/styles/
- Windows:
- Go to
Qt Creator -> Tools -> Options > Environment
, then in the TabInterface
:One Monokai