Feo, as a reference to iron oxide (here Fe2O3) which is commonly used in magnetic tape media, allows to simulate automated tape libraries systems integrated into the storage hierarchy of modern data centers.
Assuming all requirements are met the easiest way to get started is by adapting one of the prepared configurations in the example directory.
cd examples
# use -h flag to show possible parameters and options for configurations
./RunTraceCRQ.py -h
# or run with a default dummy configuration
Feo is written in Python 3 and requires graph-tool (a python wrapper for C++ graph functions).
[1] http://graph-tool.skewed.de/
Unfortunetly graph-tool can not be installed using pip but needs to be compiled from source. E.g. on Fedora all requirements for graph-tool can be installed as follows:
sudo dnf install CGAL CGAL-devel cairomm cairomm-devel pycairo pycairo-devel sparsehash-devel boost boost-python3 boost-python3-devel
sudo pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib
Build and install using the following instructions:
export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
./configure --with-boost-python=boost_python3
sudo make install