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Sydney Transit Graph

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A visualisation of realtime Sydney bus congestion. Each line on the graph (a Marey chart) represents a bus completing its route (percentage) over time. Click on a line to highlight the position of that particular bus on the map. When the angle of the line is shallow, there is bus congestion. When the lines are bunched together, there is bus bunching.

Less bus congestion results in faster trip times, which in turn reduces labour costs, decreases bus headways (or reduces need for new buses) and improves passenger throughput.


I haven't done any serious work on this repo in a little while as I've been busy with life and other side projects. Setting up the development env/infrastructure is not easy and the documentation is likely incomplete. It's not my best code!

Contributions very welcome, feel free to contact me at [email protected] :)

Tech stack

The web app is built with vanilla JS (TypeScript), p5.js for the graph, and Mapbox GL JS for the map (which uses OpenStreetMap data).

Data is sourced from Transport for NSW via OpenData. Realtime data is ingested every few seconds via an service running on AWS EC2 to store Protocol Buffer files on AWS S3.

When requested via an API, a service on AWS Lambda retrives these Protocol Buffer files and computes the trip progress and occupancy of every bus in a specified time window.

I adjustably quantise the number of Protocol Buffers requested (and thus the number of results) via looking up available timestamps.

Trip progress is calculated by comparing positions against bus route shapes. These route shapes have been precomputed from GTFS database dumps (via Sqlite) and stored on AWS S3 as JSON.


  • Backend API is served from AWS Lambda (but can also run on any Linux server)
    • It lives in src/app.ts
  • Route shapes are stored as JSON files in AWS S3
  • Protocol Buffers of bus location data are stored on AWS S3
  • Ingestion service runs on EC2

Local develoment

Install requirements

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sqlite3 unzip -y
# Install python2 with apt if necessary

Install AWS CLI

sudo apt install unzip
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

Deploying route data to S3

First we'll create a sqlite3 database and injest the GTFS routes, then generate route shapes as JSON files and store them on S3.

Creating database with routes, and then deplying to S3

Create database and generate shapes

sudo npm install -g csvtojson

  • get it in ~/repos/sydney-bus-visualisation/database/gtfs-files
  • unzip
  • goto ~/repos/sydney-bus-visualisation/database/

./ # Update variables in this file # TODO: Add params

Generate the routes and shapes, this will take a little while:

  • ./bash/
  • ./bash/

Sync the routes & shapes to S3:

  • ./

Setup config

  • This repo is still a bit of a mess!
  • Update config in src/utils/config.ts for your
  • See Cloudflare SSL docuentation

Location ingestion service

This can run on any low powered, always on service. This could be improved by being run as a periodic AWS Lambda job.

Start the timestamp service (from root of repo):

yarn && NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" yarn build && yarn run start-timestamp-service

Start the AWS Uploader:

yarn && NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" yarn build && yarn start-aws-uploader

Optional: Update the Lambda service

yarn run deploy or NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" yarn run deploy NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" yarn run deploy --stage production

Backend on dev machine


Watch tests (that rerun)


Set up frontend on dev machine

cd frontend yarn install

Copy the shared interface

yarn build

Live watch changes

yarn watch

  • Host server from dist/ with Python: python3 -m http.server


yarn test

Cloudflare configuration is hosted on AWS Lmbda/S3/EC2 with the Cloudflare CDN in front of it.

These are some notes for setting up SSL certificates for HTTPS between them

  • Set SSL to full on Cloudflare
  • Add page rule to set* to flexible (for S3, Lambda needs full to work)

Cloudflare certificates


node datalogger.js

Gets latest data, saves into data/ if it doesn't exist yet. Filename is timestamp.

./bufToJson.js filename

Outputs protol buffer file as JSON


Saves every broardcast to a file

Other documentation

TfNSW API Details and other notes

Protocol Buffers spec

GTFS Realtime Protobuff

The spec to parse binary protocol buffers

GTFs sql importer


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE.


Jake Coppinger (

Contact at [email protected].


Visualising Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts







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