A mini game for Oculus Quest where the player uses a bow and arrows to defend himself against a zombie horde.
Several tutorials were followed to achieve the goal:
VR with Andrew: [01][Oculus Quest][SteamVR] Basic Bow and Arrow. From this tutorial I took the arrow and bow.
roject-shasta: [Unity] Target Shooter #03 - Target prefab with colliders and destruction particles. From this tutorial I took the targets.
The zombie character and the animations were taken from adobe mixamo: https://www.mixamo.com/
Jimmy Vegas: HOW FULLY IMPORT MIXAMO CHARACTER MODELS AND ANIMATIONS INTO UNITY TUTORIAL From this tutorial I saw how to succesfully export the zombie textures to unity.
DitzelGames: Create a Ragdoll in 100 Seconds! And make it shootable! From this tutorial I learned how to attach a ragdoll to the zombies.
Renaissance Coders: Unity Rigidbody Collision Detection Modes. A tutorial that helped me to understand better the collisions.
Unity: Blend Trees - Unity Official Tutorials. Animations control.
realvrgamer: Oculus Quest / Go Video Shots Can't Play on PC Fix! File Showing 00:00:00, Watch This Tutorial Exporting videos from oculus to the PC.