Use the following commands to install from source and download the model:
conda create -n gec python=3.7
conda activate gec
git clone
cd gec-improvements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd src/errant
pip3 install -e .
python3 -m spacy download en
cd ../gector/data
mkdir model_files && cd model_files && curl -O
Errant has to be installed from source as its source code has been modified to solve dependency conflicts.
Note that Python 3.7 is required.
The reference test set is located at data/conll14st-test-data/noalt/official-2014.combined.{m2|txt}
errant_parallel -orig <orig_file> -cor <cor_file1> [<cor_file2> ...] -out <out_m2>
errant_compare -hyp <hyp_m2> -ref <ref_m2>
- GECToR (XLNet, Confidence bias=0.35, Min error prob=0.66):
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 1001 369 1609 0.7307 0.3835 0.6187 ==============================================
- Language Tools:
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 243 453 1985 0.3501 0.1095 0.2432 ==============================================
- Writify:
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 338 621 1907 0.3525 0.1506 0.2779 ==============================================
- Confidence bias=0.4, Min error prob=0.7
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 935 306 1652 0.7534 0.3614 0.6191 ==============================================
- Confidence bias=0.4, Min error prob=0.75
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 832 245 1685 0.7725 0.3306 0.6095 ==============================================
- Confidence bias=0.3, Min error prob=0.77
=========== Span-Based Correction ============ TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5 792 220 1690 0.7826 0.3191 0.6064 ==============================================