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added a radbelt_type with a get_flux method
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test updates and added a python test
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jacobwilliams committed Feb 10, 2024
1 parent 9104eb0 commit 1967ae2
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Showing 5 changed files with 134 additions and 19 deletions.
55 changes: 46 additions & 9 deletions src/core.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,19 +14,27 @@ module core

implicit none

public :: get_flux
type,public :: radbelt_type
!! the main class that can be used to get the flux.
type(trm_type) :: trm
type(shellig_type) :: igrf
procedure,public :: get_flux => get_flux_
end type radbelt_type

public :: get_flux !! simple function version for testing


! Calculate the flux of trapped particles at a specific location and time.
!@note This routine is not efficient since it will reload all the
! files every time it is called.

function get_flux(Lon,Lat,Height,Year,E,Imname) result(flux)
function get_flux_(me,lon,lat,height,year,e,imname) result(flux)

class(radbelt_type),intent(inout) :: me
real(wp),intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
real(wp),intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
real(wp),intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level
Expand All @@ -43,11 +51,40 @@ function get_flux(Lon,Lat,Height,Year,E,Imname) result(flux)

real(wp) :: xl !! l value
real(wp) :: bbx
type(trm_type) :: trm
type(shellig_type) :: igrf

call igrf%igrf(lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
call trm%aep8(e,xl,bbx,imname,flux)
call me%igrf%igrf(lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
call me%trm%aep8(e,xl,bbx,imname,flux)

end function get_flux_

! Calculate the flux of trapped particles at a specific location and time.
! This is just a function version of the class method from [[radbelt_type]].
!@note This routine is not efficient at all since it will reload all the
! files every time it is called.

function get_flux(lon,lat,height,year,e,imname) result(flux)

real(wp),intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
real(wp),intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
real(wp),intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level
real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
!! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
real(wp),intent(in) :: e !! minimum energy
integer,intent(in) :: imname !! which method to use:
!! * 1 -- particle species: electrons, solar activity: min
!! * 2 -- particle species: electrons, solar activity: max
!! * 3 -- particle species: protons, solar activity: min
!! * 4 -- particle species: protons, solar activity: max
real(wp) :: flux !! The flux of particles above the given energy, in units of cm^-2 s^-1.

type(radbelt_type) :: radbelt

flux = radbelt%get_flux(lon,lat,height,year,e,imname)

end function get_flux
Expand Down
23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions src/shellig.f90
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Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ module shellig_module
integer :: nmax = 0 !! maximum order of spherical harmonics
real(wp) :: Time = 0.0_wp !! year (decimal: 1973.5) for which magnetic field is to be calculated
real(wp),dimension(144) :: g = 0.0_wp !! `g(m)` -- normalized field coefficients (see [[feldcof]]) m=nmax*(nmax+2)
integer :: nmax1 = 0 !! saved variables from the file
integer :: nmax2 = 0 !! saved variables from the file
real(wp),dimension(144) :: g_cache = 0.0_wp !! saved `g` from the file

! formerly saved vars in shellg:
real(wp) :: step = 0.20_wp !! step size for field line tracing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +102,13 @@ subroutine igrf(me,lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)

real(wp),parameter :: stps = 0.05_wp

! JW : do we need to reset some or all of these ?
me%sp = 0.0_wp
me%xi = 0.0_wp
me%h = 0.0_wp
me%step = 0.20_wp
me%steq = 0.03_wp

call me%feldcof(year,dimo)
call me%feldg(lat,lon,height,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs)
call me%shellg(lat,lon,height,dimo,xl,icode,bab1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -651,7 +661,7 @@ subroutine feldcof(me,year,dimo)
!! to earth's radius) at the time (year)

real(wp) :: dte1 , dte2 , erad , gha(144) , sqrt2
integer :: i , ier , j , l , m , n , nmax1 , nmax2, iyea
integer :: i , ier , j , l , m , n , iyea
character(len=filename_len) :: fil2
real(wp) :: x , f0 , f !! these were double precision in original
!! code while everything else was single precision
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,16 +700,19 @@ subroutine feldcof(me,year,dimo)
if (read_file) then
! get igrf coefficients for the boundary years
! [if they have not ready been loaded]
call me%getshc(me%name,nmax1,erad,me%g,ier)
call me%getshc(me%name,me%nmax1,erad,me%g,ier)
if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(me%name)
call me%getshc(fil2,nmax2,erad,me%gh2,ier)
me%g_cache = me%g ! because it is modified below, we have to cache the original values from the file
call me%getshc(fil2,me%nmax2,erad,me%gh2,ier)
if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(fil2)
me%g = me%g_cache
end if
!-- determine igrf coefficients for year
if ( l<=numye-1 ) then
call me%intershc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,dte2,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
call me%intershc(year,dte1,me%nmax1,me%g,dte2,me%nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
call me%extrashc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
call me%extrashc(year,dte1,me%nmax1,me%g,me%nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
!-- determine magnetic dipol moment and coeffiecients g
f0 = 0.0_wp
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/trmfun.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ subroutine aep8(me,e,l,bb0,imname,flux)

name = mname(Imname) ! the file to load

! JW : do we need to reset some or all of these ?
me%fistep = 0.0_wp
me%f1 = 1.001_wp
me%f2 = 1.002_wp

! check to see if this file has already been loaded
! [the class can store one file at a time]
load_file = .true.
Expand Down
40 changes: 35 additions & 5 deletions test/radbelt_test.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ program radbelt_test
implicit none

real(wp) :: lon, lat, height, year, e, flux, error, relerror
integer :: imname, i
integer :: imname, i, ilat, ilon, ialt
real(wp) :: tstart, tend
type(radbelt_type) :: radbelt
integer :: n_cases

lon = -45.0_wp
lat = -30.0_wp
Expand All @@ -22,19 +25,46 @@ program radbelt_test
Imname = 4 ! 'p', 'max'
e = 20.0_wp

do i = 1, 3
! simple example:
flux = get_flux(lon,lat,height,year,e,imname)

! error = Flux - 2642.50268555_wp ! difference from python wrapper version (radbelt)
error = Flux - 2642.50370051985726336559603128948869_wp ! difference from real128 version
relerror = abs(error/flux)

write(*,*) 'Flux = ', flux
write(*,*) 'Error = ', error
write(*,*) 'Rel Error = ', relerror

if (relerror>10*epsilon(1.0_wp)) error stop 'error'
write(*,*) ''

! speed tests:
call cpu_time(tstart)
n_cases = 0
do ilat = -89, 90, 5
do ilon = -180, 180, 45
do ialt = 500, 1000, 100
n_cases = n_cases + 1
flux = get_flux(real(ilon,wp),real(ilat,wp),real(ialt,wp),year,e,imname)
!if (flux/=0.0_wp) write(*,*) ilat, ilon, ialt, flux
end do
end do
end do
call cpu_time(tend)
write(*,'(a25,f6.3,a,i7,a)') 'Function version runtime: ', (tend - tstart), ' sec. ', &
int(n_cases/(tend - tstart)), ' (cases/sec)'
call cpu_time(tstart)
n_cases = 0
do ilat = -90, 90, 5
do ilon = -180, 180, 45
do ialt = 500, 1000, 100
n_cases = n_cases + 1
flux = radbelt%get_flux(real(ilon,wp),real(ilat,wp),real(ialt,wp),year,e,imname)
!write(*,*) ilat, ilon, ialt, flux
end do
end do
end do
call cpu_time(tend)
write(*,'(a25,f6.3,a,i7,a)') 'Class version runtime: ', (tend - tstart), ' sec. ', &
int(n_cases/(tend - tstart)), ' (cases/sec)'

write(*,*) 'n_cases = ', n_cases
end program radbelt_test
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions test/
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Test of the Python version from:

from radbelt import get_flux
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
import time

t = Time('2021-03-01')
energy = 20 * u.MeV

tstart = time.time()
n_cases = 0

# fortran loop indices:
# do ilat = -90, 90, 5
# do ilon = -180, 180, 45
# do ialt = 500, 1000, 100

for lat in range(-90, 91, 5):
for lon in range(-180, 181, 45):
for alt in range(500, 1001, 100):
n_cases = n_cases + 1
coords = EarthLocation(lon * u.deg, lat * u.deg, alt *
f = get_flux(coords, t, energy, 'p', 'max') # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
#print(t.utc.decimalyear, lat, lon, alt, f.value)
tend = time.time()
print(f'Python version runtime: {tend-tstart} sec. {int(n_cases/(tend-tstart))} (cases/sec)')

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