Display clocks, animations, scrolling text, maybe even youtube videos on your Neopixel (WS2812 array) display! Mine is 16x8 pixels and that is plenty enough to display a nearly hd-quality video.
Arduino slave
Python host running on python 3.
- git
- works on Ubuntu (preferred), Mac OSX, Raspberry PI 2 (tested with Ubuntu)
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 -> Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage libraries. Search for Neopixel by Adafruit, click install. Wow!
Install python3 with python3-setuptools.
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-setuptools
This will give you the commands python3 and easy_install3.
Install pip using Python 3's setuptools: run
$ sudo easy_install3 pip
this will give you the command pip3.2 (or pip-3.2 on raspbian).
Install your PyPI package pyserial: run
$ sudo pip3.2 install pyserial
Note: pip3.2 might be named something else, type 'pip', then tab to autocomplete.
You might need to upgrade pyserial. Version 2.6 is old and gives problems. To upgrade:
$ sudo pip3.2 install --upgrade pyserial
For np_movie.py you need additional libraries:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-imaging
Make a settings.json to configure the com port, it should contain something like:
Mac example:
{"com_port": "/dev/tty.usbmodemfd12111"}
Ubuntu example:
{"com_port": "/dev/ttyACM0"}
Go to the shell and go to the python dir.
On mac:
$ python3 np_clock.py
On Ubuntu:
$ sudo python3 np_clock.py