Qt Library for Remote Vehicle Interaction
Qt wrapper to create an event driven interface for an application developer to easily integrate GENIVI's RVI protocol into C++ and/or QML applications.
(C) 2017 Jaguar Land Rover - All rights reserved.
Jack Sanchez - [email protected] Tatiana Jamison - [email protected]
This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the Mozilla Public License is at https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
Minimum tested Qt version is currently 5.6.2, it is likely the module can be easily backported to older versions.
Requires rvi_lib https://github.com/GENIVI/rvi_lib to be installed
Also requires a C++11 compliant compiler
- QRviNode (C++ and QML) for creating connections to RVI nodes
- QRviServiceInterface (C++ and QML) for registering services with your QRviNode
Currently QtRvi expects for two environment variables to be defined which point to the installation location path of your rvi_lib:
Then this module will follow basic Qt module build steps:
make install
The module will be deployed to the location of the Qt SDK referenced by your qmake used during the build phase.
Note: Due to the current limitation of rvi_lib, a given service cannot invoke another service which is registered on the same QRviNode.
Ex 1) rviserviceping: This example intends to demonstrate the minimal amount of QML required to implement an RVI service. Functions as the user application to instigate behavior on the rviservicepong example application.
Ex 2) rviservicepong: This example intends to demonstrate the minimal amount of C++ required to implement an Rvi Service. Functions as a command line application waiting for input from the rviserviceping user application.