Contributors: dgilfoy, ivycat, sewmyheadon
Donate link:
Tags: page, widgets, sidebar, role based
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 2.14.1
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:
Add a sidebar to any specific page by creating a widget area on demand.
Page Specific Sidebars adds a checkbox to every page allowing you to choose which pages should have a unique sidebar.
Once you enable a page-specific sidebar in the page editor, a widget area will automatically be created for that page and you can customize it as you like.
You can also specify whether the plugin replaces your generic sidebar with the page-specific sidebar, or simply adds your page-specific sidebar on to the existing sidebar.
Plugin has no built-in styling does not contain native styles; it's meant to use the styles of your existing theme.
This is a minimal plugin, placing function over form. If you would like to extend it, or would like us to extend it in later versions, feel free to contact us, or post feedback in this plugin's support forum.
You can install from within WordPress using the Plugin/Add New feature, or if you wish to manually install:
- Download the plugin.
- Upload the entire page-sidebars directory to your WordPress plugins folder.
- Click Activate Plugin in your WordPress plugin page.
- Visit the Settings / Page Sidebar Settings page to customize.
Simply activate and go. There are a couple filters for customization:
`$location = apply_filters( 'page_sidebar_location', 'side' );
$priority = apply_filters( 'page_sidebar_priority', 'high' );`
These allow you to change the location and priority of the metabox on the "Edit Page" view.
$home_slug = apply_filters( 'page-sidebar-homeslug', $home_slug )
Use this filter if your home page slug is different from "home" :
NOTE: Any page that has a custom loop pulling in multiple posts will throw this plugin off. For some reason it always outputs the post ID as the last
post output on the page. Also, the homepage is most likely the latest blog posts in WordPress so I created a check. It will get the Home page ID and
use the Home page ID to get its sidebar. (uses is_frontpage() ) to check.
Contact us if you want some more filters or actions added.
###1. Selecting a page to have a unique sidebar is as easy as clicking a button - Also, check if you just want to merge the new sidebar with the old.###
###2. Your new sidebars show up under widgets. No need to clutter up the Page editor.###
Some of our clients need the ability to easily create, and edit sidebars on a per-page basis using widgets. This is our solution, and we hope it helps others too. :)
- Bug fixes updated JS & CSS.
- Dropdown selection for sidebar on option page. Now you can re-use existing sidebars on other pages.
- Ability to prepend custom sidebar on default sidebar (previously only append).
- Ability to allow the page to display an existing sidebar rather than create it's own.
- Updated license to GPL v2, included correct license file.
- File & folder maintenance
- Updated authors, links.
- Added author, updated short description.
- Added sidebar to settings page.
- Documentation editing, housekeeping.
- Added help to settings page.
Bug fixes: please update right away.
Cool feature updates; please upgrade.
No critical updates; just housekeeping.
- Add ordering feature? (long down the road).
- Suggest a feature...