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Opinionated template repository for creating Javascript libraries with Typescript, Microbundle, and Jest and some other tools and scripts.

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Microbundle Typescript Starter Template

Opinionated template repository for creating Javascript libraries with Typescript, Microbundle, Vitest, Biome, and a bunch of other tools.


Setting up a modern Typescript or Javascript development stack is a daunting task, there are a lot of moving parts, and sometimes the whole process seems like magic. I've maintained my babel configuration, and build process but it was getting tiresome to maintain, so I switched to microbundle. While microbundle handles the compilation, there are a lot of other moving parts that need to be set up to start developing with Nodejs/Typescript (CI, test, etc).

This repository is actively maintained and as new versions of tools are being released it is updated and modified accordingly.

Getting Started

You can immediately create your repo by clicking on the Use this template button in the Github page UI. Or you can use deGit which is a very convenient tool to quickly download the repository (without git clone) degit

Compiling Typescript via Microbundle

Typescript files are compiled via Microbundle, there are two scripts (build:dev and build:prod) Microbundle creates three bundles, modern (es6) cjs and umd. Also in the exports field in the package.json there are three keys:

  • development - used by bundlers while developing
  • import - es6 (module) build of the library
  • require - Commonjs build of the library

Testing via Vitest

Vitest is used for testing. You can write your tests in Typescript and they will be compiled via babel targeting the nodejs version that is running the tests. The testing environment is set to node you might want to change that if you need access to DOM in your tests (use jsdom).

There are three tasks for running tests:

  • test run all test and report code coverage
  • test:watch continuously run tests by watching some or all files

Linting via Biome

  • Biome.js is used for linting and formatting.

Continuous Integration

Github actions are used for continuous integration and testing. Github action name is Test and this is what it does:

  • run on push to all branches
  • run on pull request to main and develop branches
  • run tests on node versions [21]
  • lint source
  • build source
  • run tests
  • generate code coverage
  • consume changesets
    • bump package versions
    • generate changelog
    • publish to npm
  • generate API docs (from source code, only if the package is published)
  • make a commit with new API docs.

Git Hooks

  • Lefthook is used for checking code before it is commited


If you are using VS Code as your editor, there are three debug configurations:

  • Main debug the application by running the compiled index.js file.
  • Current test file debug currently focused test file inside the editor.

Managing versions via changesets

For maintaining package versions I'm using changesets

Generating API documentation

You can generate API documentation from your source files via typedoc(pnpm gen:docs). Currently, documentation will be generated into docs/api directory and it is generated in markdown so it can be displayed on Github.

  • Private class members are excluded.
  • Declarations with @internal are excluded.
  • Only exported properties are documented.

Renovate Bot

There is a renovate bot configuration file for automatically updating dependencies. Make sure to active renovate bot first via github marketplace.

Publishing to NPM

Manual publishing is done via pnpm release this task will go through regular NPM publish steps and will call prepublishOnly life cycle script.

Package manager

pnpm is my package manager of choice. You can use something else, just make sure to update the scripts in package.json and change any references to pnpm.

VSCode Dev Container

There is a vscode dev container setup that uses Node v16, github cli, and docker in docker. It also automatically installs pnpm in the container, and sets git to automatically sings the commits.


Opinionated template repository for creating Javascript libraries with Typescript, Microbundle, and Jest and some other tools and scripts.






Contributors 3
