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Rust bindings for Sofia-SIP.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

sofia-sip = "0.1.0"

Make sure you have sofia-sip C library installed in your system (pkg-config sofia-sip-ua --modversion is working), in ubuntu and other debian based systems, you can install it by doing:

sudo apt install libsofia-sip-ua-dev

Future versions will have an option (via cargo features) to build and bundle C sofia-sip as a static library.

Also, clang/libclang and c headers are required to compile sofia-sip

sudo apt install libclang1 clang


use sofia_sip::{Handle, Nua, NuaEvent, Sip, Tag, TagBuilder};

fn main() {
    A                    B
    |                    |

    A                    B
    |                    |
                          /                    \
    A                 NUA STACK (A)
    |                     |
    |    nua::handle( )   |
    |                     |
    |  handle::message()  |
    |------------------->[_]      [MESSAGE]
    |                    [_]------------------>
    |                    [_]
    |                    [_]
    |                    [_]      [200 OK]
    |    ReplyMessage    [_]<------------------
    |<------------------ [_]
    |                     |

                          /                    \
    A                 NUA STACK (A)
    |                     |       [MESSAGE]
    |  IncomingMessage   [_]<------------------
    |   nua::handle(A')  [_]      [200 OK]
    |                    [_]------------------>
    |                     |
    |                     |
    /* bind on :5080 */
    let sip_bind_url = "sip:*:5080";

    /* send to a SIP contact running in on default port */
    let sip_to_url = "sip:[email protected]:5060";

    /* build params for Nua::create */
    let tags = TagBuilder::default().nutag_url(sip_bind_url).collect();

    /* create NUA stack */
    let mut nua = Nua::create(&tags).unwrap();

    Handling of the events coming from NUA stack is done
    in the callback function that is registered for NUA stack
        |nua: &mut Nua,
         event: NuaEvent,
         status: u32,
         phrase: String,
         _handle: Option<&Handle>,
         sip: Sip,
         _tags: Vec<Tag>| {
            println!("({:?}) status: {} | {}", &event, status, &phrase);
            match event {
                NuaEvent::ReplyShutdown => { /* received when NUA stack is about to shutdown */ }
                NuaEvent::IncomingMessage => {
                    /* incoming NEW message */
                    println!("Received MESSAGE: {} {}", status, &phrase);
                    println!("From: {}", sip.from());
                    println!("To: {}",;
                    println!("Subject: {}", sip.subject());
                    println!("ContentType: {}", sip.content_type());
                    println!("Payload: {:?}", sip.payload().as_utf8_lossy());

                    /* quit after new message */
                NuaEvent::ReplyMessage => {
                    /* quit if response != 2XX */
                    if status < 200 || status >= 300 {
                _ => {}

    /* Message to be send */
    let my_message = "Hi Sofia-SIP-sys";

    /* build params for Handle::create [Similar to C sofia] */
    let tags = TagBuilder::default()

    /* create operation handle */
    let handle = Handle::create(&nua, &tags).unwrap();

    /* build params for handle.message() [Alternative] */
    let tags = TagBuilder::default()

    /* The message() function enqueue a SIP MESSAGE on NUA STACK */

    /* enter main loop for processing of messages */
    println!("enter the main loop");;
    println!("the main loop exit");


Sofia-SIP Rust bindings tries to mimic almost as possible the API of Sofia-SIP C library. You can start by learning the concepts of Sofia SIP User Agent Library - "nua" - High-Level User Agent Module.

After this intro, please read examples or the tests from tests directory.

Sofia-SIP C docs

NUA documentation

The best way to learn sofia-sip is by learning how to use the NUA engine, their call model and how NUA events are presented and handled.

  • "NUA" - High-Level User Agent Module.
    • The NUA engine hides many low-level signaling and media management aspects from the application programmer.
  • NUA Call Model.
    • The call model is used to present changes in call: when media starts to flow, when call is considered established, when call is terminated.
  • NUA Event Diagrams
    • Example diagrams to present how to use NUA API with different SIP use cases.

SOFIA Modules

Sofia SIP User Agent Library - sofia-sip-ua

Common runtime library:

SIP Signaling:

HTTP subsystem:

SDP processing:





Before compiling statically, please read this.


  • Version 0.1.0 -> DONE

    • NUA: Basic support to send and receive SIP MESSAGE's, allowing to create a chat using SIP.
  • Version 0.2.0

    • NUA: Basic support to send SIP INVITE(SDP)/REGISTER(auth) and receive SIP INVITE(SDP), allowing to create a simple soft phone.
    • Others modules: basic support to make NUA objectives work.
  • Version 0.3.0

    • NUA: Support receive SIP REGISTER(auth), allowing to create a simple SIP PBX.
    • Others modules: basic support to make NUA objectives work.
  • Version 1.0.0

    • NUA: Full bindings for NUA.
    • SDP: Full support for SDP parsing.

NUA is the High-Level User Agent Module of lib-sofia. To learn more about sofia modules, go to reference documentation for libsofia-sip-ua submodules.