My fiance and I aren't married, which means we have some flexibility in who claims what for deductions. Figuring out what to do is hard, though, so I wrote this tool to help me experiment with different approaches - it allows you to slide various deductions to one person or the other, and recalculates the taxes owed based on those choices.
git submodule update --init --remote
Then open the unmarried-taxes.html page and mess with stuff.
- Google for any notable tax changes YOY
- Update Taxes.js -- update the ranges for federalBrackets -- update standardDeduction -- update amtHighRateStart -- update amtExemption -- update amtPhaseOutStart -- update socialSecurityCap -- update longTermCapitalGains levels (assuming I fix this code)
- copy settings.js to settings-override.js -- Add in relevant w2 info
- Not accurately calculating married payroll taxes (underestimates additional medicare tax)