This api has a Dockerisation setted up
To set up the server before launch, run:
To launch the container :
docker-compose up
you can now acces the API at localhost:3000
API for the use of MicMac
- {imgURL} : (string) url to dowload original image
- {PP} : (list(Int)) principal (type [x1,y1])
- {F} : (Int) Focal
- {SzIm} : (list(Int)) image size in pixel (type [x1,y1])
- {Cdist} : (list(Int)) distortion coefficient (type [x1,y1])
Create calibration file ( cf : createCalibrationFile.js -> build xml data, createCalibrationFile.php -> save xml data in a file)
- {imgURL} : (string) url to dowload original image
- {coordPoint2d} : (list(Float)) coordinates of points d'appui on the image in pixel (type [[x1,y1,z1],..,[xn,yn,zn]])
Create appuie file ( cf : scene2d.js -> function export2dCoord() ou getImgCoordOnClick (to check) : build xml data, fetch2dcoord.php-> save xml data in a file)
- {imgURL} : (string) url to dowload original image
- {coordPoint3d} : (list(Float)) coordinates of points d'appui in EPSG:4978 (type [[x1,y1,z1],..,[xn,yn,zn]])
Create GCP file ( cf : scene3dv2.js -> function export3dCoord() : build xml data, fetch3dcoord.php -> save xml data in a file)
- {img} : (string) name of the original image
Lauch command MicMac : aspro with datas in the body.
MicMac command short description :
Init External orientation of calibrated camera from GCP. (MicMac documentation)
Mandatory unnamed args :
- string :: {Name File for images} (1)
- string :: {Name File for input calibration} (2)
- string :: {Name File for GCP} (3)
- string :: {Name File for Image Measures} (4)
Create 3 files :
- Ori-Aspro/AutoCal_Foc-50000_Cam-{imgname}.xml
- Ori-Aspro/Densite_AutoCal_Foc-50000_Cam-{imgname}.tif
- Ori-Aspro/Orientation-{imgname}.jpg.xml
Example :
mm3d aspro 1957_DUR_452_0018.jpg Ori-CalInit gcp_1957_DUR_452_0018.xml appuis_1957_DUR_452_0018.xml "1957_DUR_452_0018.jpg"
cf : computeResection() in index.html and lauchMicMac.php