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Training BERT-based seq2seg models for Vietnamese Summarization task


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Vietnamese Abstractive Summarization using pre-trained BERT models.


This code is for experiments from the paper which is accepted by ICIC-ELB in May 2023.


We release this code to motivate further research on Vietnamese Abstractive Summarization tasks.

If you use this code for your work, please cite our paper with the following info:

Duy Hieu Nguyen, Trong Nghia Hoang, Dien Dinh and Long H.B. Nguyen. 2023. EXPLORING ABSTRACTIVE SUMMARIZATION METHODS FOR VIETNAMESE USING PRE-TRAINED BERT MODELS. In ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications, Volume 14, Number 11, pages 1143-1151. DOI: 10.24507/icicelb.14.11.1143.



The processed datasets for this work are named Wikilingua-Abs-Sum and VietNews-Abs-Sum, which are released at the following repos:

All preprocessed data files are saved in both TSV and JSONL format. You can select your prefer format to handle the data easily for your further works.

If you use this preprocessed data for your work, please cite the original dataset's paper to give credits to the original author team. Beside that, please cite our paper too for our contribution to a clean and easy access dataset for Vietnamese Abstractive Summarization study.

Data preprocessing

Here are some scripts that we used to conduct the data preprocessing:



Setup server


We run our training and decoding scripts on an Ubuntu server which is installed with some libs and tools. Please follow these steps to make sure you can reproduce the paper results.

  1. Install conda (
  2. Create a new conda environment for this project: conda create -n bertsumvn python=3.7
  3. Activate that environment for subsequence steps: conda activate bertsumvn
  4. Install gdown inside the activated environment: pip install gdown
  5. Make sure you have installed the correct CUDA TOOLKIT: nvidia-smi

Setup working directory

To run the scripts, we must download this repo into the Unbuntu server and pull the processed data into the data sub-directory inside the working directory. Here are some tips:

  1. Download the repo manual and extract the ZIP file, or clone it using the GIT command: git clone
  2. Use cd command to move into the working directory: cd BERTSumVN
  3. Install required python modules: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create sub-directory to contain data: mkdir data
  5. Download the processed data from the repo links above and extract them into the BERTSumVN/data directory

Train models

Script for training is located at BERTSumVN/

Here are the supported parameters:

Param name Data type Description
mode string Set value totrain for training
visible_gpus string Specify which GPUs can be used to accelerate training, eg.'0,1'
logger_debug string Whether the logger should print debug messages. Accepted value isTrue or False
quick_test string Set value toTrue to run a quick test for quick debug
output_dir string Specify the output directory to save training output. Default value isoutput
max_src_len int Specify the max length of the article sequence (count by tokens). In our experiments, we set this value to512
max_tgt_len int Specify the max length of the abstract sequence (count by tokens). In our experiments, we set this value to60 for Wikilingua and 50 for VietNews dataset
print_predict_every int Set the frequent to print the predict log while training
bert_model string Specify which BERT model to be employed as the Encoder
freeze_encoder string Left the default value toTrue to reproduce the results in this paper. We haven't conducted any trainable Encoder experiments!
decoder_layers_num int Set the number of the transformer layers for the Decoder. Left default value to8 to reproduce our results
decoder_attention_dim string Set the number of dimensions for the transformer layers of the Decoder. Left default value to64 to reproduce our
train_batch_size int Specify the number of samples per batch for training. In our experiments, we set this value to32
valid_batch_size int Specify the number of samples per batch for evaluation at the end of each epoch. In our experiments, we set this value to32
num_train_epochs int Specify the number of epochs for training. In our experiments, we set this value to100
learning_rate float Specify the learning rate for optimization. In our experiments, we set this value to5e-5
num_warmup_steps int Specify the number of warmup step before applying learning rate schedule. In our experiments, we set this value to0
gradient_accumulation_steps int Specify the number of steps to accumulate the gradient before back-propagation. In our experiments, we set this value to2 for Wikilingua and10 for VietNews dataset
resume_from_epoch int This is experimental parameter for resuming from the best checkpoint. We haven't tested yet
resume_checkpoint_dir string This is experimental parameter for resuming from the best checkpoint. We haven't tested yet
last_best_checkpoint int This is experimental parameter for resuming from the best checkpoint. We haven't tested yet
last_best_eval_loss float This is experimental parameter for resuming from the best checkpoint. We haven't tested yet
early_stopping_delta float Specify the delta hyper parameter for Early Stopping. In our experiments, we set this value to0
early_stopping_patience int Specify the patience hyper parameter for Early Stopping. In our experiments, we set this value to5
label_smoothing_factor float Specify the alpha hyper parameter for Label Smoothing. In our experiments, we set this value to0.6
save_total_limit int Set the number of total checkpoints to be saved
log_loss_every_step int Set value toTrue to print the train loss in every step
ddp_master_port string This is hyper parameter for Distributed Data Parallel technique to train on multiple GPUs. Just set any number for the PORT

Caution: In our experiments, we used only 1 GPUs per training process as we experienced slowing down when using multiple GPUs at once. This seems to be a bug of the Distributed Data Parallel technique 😕

Evaluate models

Script for evaluation is located at BERTSumVN/

Here are the supported parameters:

Param name Data type Description
mode string Set value toeval for evaluation
visible_gpus string Specify which GPUs can be used to accerlerate training. Eg.'1'
logger_debug string Whether the logger should print debug messages. Accepted value isTrue or False
quick_test string Set value toTrue to run a quick test for quick debug
output_dir string Specify the output directory to save evaluation output. Default value isoutput
max_src_len int Specify the max length of the article sequence (count by tokens). In our experiments, we set this value to512
max_tgt_len int Specify the max length of the abstract sequence (count by tokens). In our experiments, we set this value to60 for Wikilingua and 50 for VietNews dataset
print_predict_every int Set the frequent to print the predict log while predicting
bert_model string Specify which BERT model to be employed as the Encoder. The model name must match with the same name that we used in the train process
model_path string Specify the path to the saved model checkpoint to evaluate
data_path string Specify the patch to thetest set of the same dataset that we used to train the model
batch_size int Specify the number of samples per batch for evaluation. In our experiments, we set this value to32
beam_size int Set the number of beams for Beam Search. In our experiments, we set this value to3
n_best int Set the number of best hypothesis to be returned by Beam Search. In our experiments, we set this value to3
min_tgt_len int Set the expected min output length of the generated summary. In our experiments, we set this value to20, 30, and 40 as noted in the paper
len_norm_factor float Set the alpha hyper parameter for Length Normalization technique. In our experiments, we set this value to0.6
block_ngram_repeat int Set the number of repeated ngram to be blocked by N-Gram Blocking technique (proposed by Yang Liu) to prevent repeat tokens. In our experiments, we set this value to2.

Model name convention

  • PhoBERT2TRANS: the Transformer model which has been replaced the Encoder with PhoBERT-base model (12 layers)
  • PhoBERT-large2TRANS: the Transformer model which has been replaced the Encoder with PhoBERT-large model (24 layers)
  • mBERT2TRANS: the Transformer model which has been replaced the Encoder with mBERT-base model (12 layers)

In our work, the Decoder layers are 8 for all experiments. The Window technique is to support PhoBERT-based abstractive models to handle 512 subword tokens. Therefore, it is only applied to PhoBERT2TRANS and PhoBERT-large2TRANS models, which introduces new names PhoBERT2TRANS + Window and PhoBERT-large2TRANS + Window. Please refer to our paper for more details.

Reproduce the paper results

We have stored all running commands, progress logs, and model checkpoints in this Drive storage:

The training & evaluation commands can be found at:

Our experiments were executed in an Ubuntu server with 4 A100 GPUs and 128GB of RAM, but we used only 1 GPU for each execution and sometimes the GPU was occupied by some other users at the same time. Therefore, the running time is poorly impact. It can be much more faster when you run on your own GPU.

  • The average training time for each epoch is about 10-15 mins on Wikilingua and 40-50 mins on VietNews dataset.
  • The average prediction time is about 2-3 hours on Wikilingua and 9-12 hours on VietNews dataset, depend on the min expected output length.

Addition experiments for my Thesis

I have done some addition experiments to support my Thesis Defense on 27 Sep 2023. The experiments have been executed in two different servers:

  • Server with 2 2080Ti GPUs (11GB each): I used this server to decode output summaries for Test set of Wikilingua dataset at minL50 with 2 models PhoBERT2TRANS + Window and mBERT2TRANS
  • Server with 3 A100 GPUs (32GB each): I used this server to decode output summaries for Val set of Wikilingua and VietNews datasets at minL20 with 2 models PhoBERT2TRANS + Window and mBERT2TRANS. Besides, I have conducted training (on Train set) and decoding (on Val set at minL20) phases for model PhoBERT-large2TRANS with the 2 datasets Wikilingua and VietNews.

The additional model checkpoints and evaluation results can be found at:

In these additional experiments, the GPUs are not shared to any other concurrent user. Therefore, the training time and decoding time statistics is more accurate than in the server with 4 A100 GPUs but with concurrent users above.

  • The average training time for each epoch of the model PhoBERT-large2TRANS is about 4 mins on Wikilingua and 30 mins on VietNews dataset.
  • The prediction time of the model PhoBERT2TRANS + Window is about 30 mins on Wikilingua and 4 hour 55 mins on VietNews dataset (at minL20).
  • The prediction time of the models PhoBERT2TRANS + Window and mBERT2TRANS are about 1 hour 20 mins and 1 hour 50 mins on Wikilingua (at minL50).


Training BERT-based seq2seg models for Vietnamese Summarization task







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