A Discord-like web application created using Node.JS with Express, and a database using Postgresql.
Download the repository.
You will need to install and setup postgresql, to do this:
- Install postgres
- Create a database called "discord" or modify the constring in src/config.json to use a custom name / server
- You can try
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE Discord;"
- You can try
- Run the sql script in sql/setup.sql
- You can try
psql -d Discord -f "sql/setup.sql"
- You can try
- Validate its setup correctly by doing some test query:
SELECT * FROM users;
- You can try
psql -d Discord -c "SELECT * FROM users;"
- You can try
Then you can run it by doing:
- Run
npm install
- Run
ts-node src/index.ts
Open this, then copy contents of setup.sh
and run it in terminal.