Initial Release!
Primer is the first OSM firmware fully customizable on-chip. The palette, blinking animations, acceleration trigger, and trigger sensitivity are all editable through an easy-to-use interface designed with tweaking in mind.
Packaged release on Mac OS X
- Be sure to have Arduino 1.6.5 installed in your /Applications directory.
- Download the latest .dmg from the releases tab.
- Open the .dmg and double-click on "Upload .hex"
Packaged release on Windows
- Download the latest .hex from the releases tab.
- Using XLoader, follow this tutorial on how to install.
- Make sure to use 115200 for the speed.
- Make sure to select "Uno(ATMega328)" from the Device dropdown.
- Be sure to select the correct .hex file.
- 12 Fully Customizable
- 2 Variants Per Mode
- 4 Accelerometer Triggers to Switch Variants
- Each With 3 Sensitivity Levels
- 16 LED Animations For Your Variations
- Up to 12 Colors Per Variation
- 62 Color + Blank Palette with 4 Shading Levels.
- 4 Customizable Bundles For Custom Mode Playlists
- Enable Conjuring Mode (Toggle On/Off With 1 Press) From Any Mode
- Easy To Use Customization Interface
- Press - Turn on. Go to Play.
- Hold 1.5s - Go to Bundle Select. Flashes blue.
Bundle Select
- Press - Cycle bundle.
- Hold 1.5s - Selects current bundle. Go to Play. Flashes blue.
- Hold 3.0s - Go to Bundle Edit. Flashes yellow.
Bundle Edit
- Press - Cycle bundle slot to next mode.
- Hold 1.5s - Sets current bundle slot to selected mode. Cycles to next bundle slot. Flashes magenta.
- Hold 3.0s - Saves bundle with current bundle slot as the end of the bundle. Go to Play. Flashes white.
Play (Normal Mode)
- Press - Cycle to next mode.
- Hold 1.0s - Put light to sleep. Flashes white.
- Hold 2.5s - Enables Conjure Mode. Flashes blue.
- Hold 4.0s - Go to Config Select. Flashes yellow.
Play (Conjure Mode)
- Press - Toggle light on/off (processor still running).
- Hold 1.0s - Turn off light and deactivate Conjure Mode. Flashes white.
- Hold 2.5s - Disable Conjure Mode. Flashes blue.
- Hold 4.0s - Go to Config Select. Flashes yellow.
Config Select
- Press - Cycle between configuration options. Color indicates what configuration mode will be selected.
- Palette A - red
- Palette B - blue
- Prime A - magenta
- Prime B - cyan
- Accelerometer mode - green
- Accelerometer sensitivity - yellow
- Hold 1.5s - Go to Configure for current configuration mode. Flashes yellow.
- Hold 3.0s - Go to Play. Flashes white.
Config Palette
- Press - Cycle forward through palette options.
- Dpress - Cycle backward through palette options.
- Hold 1.5s - Select color. Flashes white.
- Hold 1.5s more - Cycle to next shade. Flashes white.
- Release after hold - Go to Confirm Color.
Confirm Color
- Press - Accept color.
- If last (12th) color slot, go to Play and save. Flashes white.
- Otherwise just go to next color slot.
- Hold 1.5s - Reject color.
- If first color slot, go to Config Palette. Flashes red.
- Otherwise, go to Confirm Color for previous color slot. Flashes red.
- Hold 3.0s - Accept and save. Sets current color slot as last color. Go to Play. Flashes white.
Config Prime
- Press - Cycles to next prime.
- Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.
Config Accelerometer Mode
- Press - Cycle to next accelerometer mode. Color indicates what mode will be selected.
- Off - dim white
- Speed - red
- Tilt X - blue
- Tilt Y - yellow
- Flip Z - green
- Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.
Config Accelerometer Sensitivity
- Press - Cycle to next accelerometer sensitivity. Color indicates what sensitivity will be selected.
- Low - blue
- Medium - magenta
- High - red
- Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.
- Strobe - 5ms/8ms Strobe
- Hyper - 17ms/17ms Strobe
- Dops - 1ms/10ms Strobe
- Strobie - 3ms/23ms Strobe
- Pulse - 50ms Fade In and Out/25ms Off
- Seizure - 5ms Fade In/95ms Off
- Tracer - 3ms Color/23ms Color 1
- Dash Dops
- 7ms Per Color for Color 2+
- 7 1ms/10ms Strobes of Color 1
- Blink-E - 5ms Per Color/50ms Off
- Edge
- 2ms Per Color for Last Color to Color 2
- 5ms Color 1
- 2ms Per Color for Color 2 to Last Color
- Lego - 2, 8, or 16ms/8ms Random Strobe
- Chase
- 50ms Color A/10ms Off
- 10ms Color B/10ms Off/30ms Color A/10ms Off
- 20ms Color B/10ms Off/20ms Color A/10ms Off
- 30ms Color B/10ms Off/10ms Color A/10ms Off
- Repeat with B and next color...
- Morph - 17ms/17ms Strobe Where A Morphs to B Over 4 Strobes
- Ribbon - 11ms Per Color
- Ravin - 5ms/8ms ABCBA Strobe (Color 1 to Last to 1 to Last...)
- Candy - 5ms/8ms Strobe of First 3 Colors For 3 Cycles, Then Drop First Color And Add Next