- Familiarize yourself with the SimpleTest class. Run the tests.
- Familiarize yourself with the com.softserve.edu.teachua package
- Familiarize yourself with the TeachTest class. Run the tests.
- Implement the LoggedDropdown class, which represents a sign-out dropdown.
- Update the test method checkSuccessfulLogin() from the TeachTest class.
- Implement the ClubDetailsPage class that represents the Details page.
- Implement the ClubCommentModal class that allows you to add a comment.
- Update the test method checkAddComment() from the TeachTest class.
- Implement the ClubInfoModal class, which represents information about the club.
- Update the test method checkExistComment() from the TeachTest class.
Record a short video (3-5 minutes) demonstrating your code functionality and test execution, then post it on your YouTube channel. The report should include a link to GitHub and a link to the video.