extends the midi capability of tidal (by replacing SuperDirt & SuperCollider) specifically for the analog rytm mkii.
it depends on oscpack
and RtMidi
build with make
(see this issue to build for M1 macs)
run by starting tidal with the BootTidal.hs
provided, and then ./tidalrytm
from example.tidal
setcps(130/60/4) -- also starts midiclock send to the rytm
-- `track` (or `t`) replaces tidal's `sound`
rytm $ track "bd ch"
rytm $ t "ch*16" # n "<0 4 8 12>"
-- new functions for the rytm (default tidal only allows 1 midi CC per msg)
rytm $ t "bt*8" # freq "32 64 78 127" # res 40
-- change machine inside patterns
rytm $ stack [
t "bt*8" # freq "32 64 78 127" # res 40
t "ch*16" # machine "chmetal ch"
-- affect fx
fx $ stack [
distort 64
makeup (segment 4 $ irange 0 30 $ slow 4 sine)
compmix 127 # ratio "max" # sidechan "hit" # threshold 127
-- conditional functions on a stack of tracks
$ every 4 (solo "ch")
$ sometimes (fixtr "bt" (|+ n 8))
$ stack [
t "bt*8" # freq "32 64 78 127" # res 40
t "ch*16" # m "chmetal ch"
t "oh*4"
-- switch from lp1 to hp1 filter type for all tracks
-- sweep filter freq for all tracks
$ (# ftype "lp1 hp1")
$ (# freq (irange 30 127 $ slow 2 sine))
$ stack [
t "bt*8" # freq "32 64 78 127" # res 40 # fenv "<-30 30>"
t "ch*16" # m "chmetal ch"
t "oh*4"
("e" ~>) $ t "cp"
-- more functions in `BootTidal.hs`