Actrix is actor system library for NodeJS/Browser. While traditionally actors are about concurrency and paralellism of a highly scalable and/or distributed applications, Actrix is mainly designed to help developers to write code which deals well with "concurrency" (read: asynchronousity) without forcing them to completely change the coding paradigm.
Actrix is in a very early development phase, it is not suitable for production yet.Follow this instruction to get started with Actrix.
To use Actrix on your project, install it using npm or yarn.
yarn add actrix
npm install actrix
Actor is a unit of concurrency where you can define some behavior, similar to an oobject. However, unlike object, you don't invoke a method in actor but you can send messages to it. The messages are scheduled asynchronously, leaving the execution flow up to the actor. Actor process its messages in sequential, one-at-a-time fashion. This makes reasoning of the processing code much simpler.
Follow the following template to define an actor.
// The interface to "talk" to the actor
type YourActorAPI = {
yourMethodName: (payload: PayloadType) => Promise<void>; // the exposed "method". They should always be in form of function which returns Promise/CancellablePromise
// Define a class which extends Actor<T>. The `T` parameter is only needed when you want to pass a value during initialization.
class YourActor extends Actor<number> implements YourActorAPI {
yourMethodName = async (payload: PayloadType) => {
// Implementation for handling messages of this type
// Optional, only needed if `T` is defined. This will be triggered when the actor is instantiated
protected init(initialCounter: number) {
// Implementation
// Optional, only needed if you want to do something special when a message is coming to the mailbox
onNewMessage = (type, payload, senderAddress) => {
// Do something here
const actorSystem = new ActorSystem(name?);
Create a new actor system with a specified string as the name. When name is not specified, it will randomly create a random value for it.
const actorRef = actorSystem.createActor(options);
Create a new actor inside the actorSystem. The options parameter are as follow:
name: (Required) A string representing the name of your actor instance
actorClass: (Required) The class definition of the actor
paramOptions: (Optional) The value you want to pass to the actor during initialization. Only needed when you define the type generic T
as explained in the actor template
strategies: (Optional) List of strategies you want to use for your actor. At the moment it has only one possible value: IgnoreOlderMessageWithTheSameType
which can be used to optimize your actor to only execute the most recent message of the same type
actorRef: (Required) the target actorRef where we send the message to
payload: (As defined by the target actor) payload of the message as defined by the target actor
address: (Required) the target address where we send the message to, if TargetActorAPI
is not specified then there will be no compile-time check
payload: (As defined by the target actor) payload of the message as defined by the target actor
This is the typical way to send a message to an actor from outside of actors. Sender parameter is optional, but if you need to use it, better to just use the previous API.
sender: (Optional) the address of the sender
payload: (As defined by the target actor) payload of the message as defined by the target actor
const senderRef = this.context.senderRef;
const address = actorRef.address;
const cancellablePromise = promisify(generatorFunction);
This is typically triggered inside the onNewMessage
and only make a difference when the current execution is in form of CancellablePromise
See actrix-example for examples.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Ismail Habib Muhammad - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details