With the latest hue and cry, I decided to get my hands dirty with the blockchain technology both as a trader and a developer.With a love for distributed systems and future goals to continue working in the domain (Courses like: Cloud Computing with bloackchain technology and global scale data management),I had two goals for the project:
- Creating a wallet for crytocurrency.
- Creating a mini blockchain to understand the ins and outs of the technology.
Getting Started
- Run "server.js" and go to "http://localhost:8080/uiprice.html". This will show up the wallet I am working upon.
- Open "runBlockChain.js" and add/remove the transactions you aim to be added in the blockchain and run it.
Node v9.3.0.
Theoritical background:
"blockChainModule.js": This is the file with the simplest block chain but, trust me it is a valuable code. Also, I have added the theory part from vmware tutorial (https://research.vmware.com/publications/the-blockchain-consensus-layer-and-bft) in the form of comments.
Application Components:
- The wallet can be used as any other wallet like coinbase,binance etc to keep the received/bought cryptocurrencies.
- The blockchain technology is teh framework for many big application.I am still working on what all to be done.
Work to be done:
- Completing the wallet for sending the cryptocurrency.
- Adding the function to generate the address for enabling receiving the currency.
- Applying the blockchain framework.
- Adding RSA encryption in the blocks.
Technology dived into:
Node.js, blockchain technology, md5 crypto.
Authors Ishani Gupta
Thanks to Himanshu Gupta his constant guidance and support.