A Ruby client for the DNSimple API.
DNSimple provides DNS hosting and domain registration that is simple and friendly. We provide a full API and an easy-to-use web interface so you can get your domain registered and set up with a minimal amount of effort.
$ gem install dnsimple
This library is a Ruby client you can use to interact with the DNSimple API.
Here's a short example.
require 'dnsimple'
client = Dnsimple::Client.new(username: 'YOUR_USERNAME', api_token: 'YOUR_TOKEN')
# Fetch your user details
user = client.users.user
puts "My email is #{user.email}"
# List your domains
domains = client.domains.list
domains.each do |domain|
puts "Domain: %s (id: %d)" % [domain.name, domain.id]
# Create a domain
domain = client.domains.create(name: "example.com")
puts "Domain: %s (id: %d)" % [domain.name, domain.id]
# Get a domain
domain = client.domains.domain("example.com")
puts "Domain: %s (id: %d)" % [domain.name, domain.id]
# Create a domain record
record = client.domains.create_record("example.com", record_type: "A", name: "www", content: "")
puts "Record: %s (id: %d)" % [record.name, record.id]
# Get a domain record
record = client.domains.record("example.com", 1234)
puts "Record: %s (id: %d)" % [record.name, record.id]
# List domain records
records = client.domains.records("example.com")
records.each do |record|
puts "Record: %s (id: %d)" % [record.name, record.id]
For the full library documentation visit http://rubydoc.info/gems/dnsimple
This client supports both the HTTP Basic and API Token authentication mechanism.
client = Dnsimple::Client.new(username: 'YOUR_USERNAME', password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD')
# => Dnsimple::Struct::User
See the 2FA API documentation.
# Request the 2FA exchange token
client = Dnsimple::Client.new(username: 'YOUR_USERNAME', password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD')
token = client.users.exchange_token('otp-token')
# Authenticate with the exchange token
client.exchange_token = token
# => Dnsimple::Struct::User
client = Dnsimple::Client.new(username: 'YOUR_USERNAME', api_token: 'YOUR_TOKEN')
# => Dnsimple::Struct::User