Projecsito is a project made for 'Purdue UNAL IronHacks' contest, Spring 2018. It was made by me: Juan Camilo Cárdenas.
Neighborhood Names GIS
Link Topic: Area Columns used:the_geom
NY Districts geoshapes
Link Topic: Area Colums used:BoroCD
Crimes in NY
Link Topic: Safety Colums used:boro_nm
Dataset contains information on New York City housing by building data
Link Topic: Housing Colums used:borough
Extremely Low Income Units
Construction type
Museums dataset
Link Topic: Leisure Colums used:name
Neighborhood tabulation
Link Topic: Area Colums used:coordinates
This is projectsito. The solution for the task proposed in the contest. It's meant to meet the minimum requirements of the task while keeping creativity and imagination. It's important to Projectsito to be user-friendly and to help people to find a home to live.
- Map View:
- [Y] Basic Map is located in NYU Stern Bussiness school.
- [Y] The map displays a heat map cover for Crime history. It also displays all districts' polygons and every marker of every crime, housing offer and neighborhood.
- Data Visualization:
- [Y] There's a liquid chart at the side of a the map and there's also a display of a radar chart comparing two independent disctricts.
- [Y] Liquid Charts update theor values whenever a polygon is clicked with the district info. When the button of a districts is clicked, it updates the radar chart. And it also displays and overlay between the tow districts info.
- Interaction Form:
- [Y]
- The map displays information about neighborhoods when a neighborhood marker is clicked.
- The map displays information about a crime when a crime marker is clicked.
- The map displays information about housing when a housing marker is clicked.
- If the bouncing icon is clicked, it shows up "NYU Stern Business School".
- If a button with a disctric number is clicked, it updates the radar chart.
- If a polygon district is clicked, it updates the liquid charts.
- [Y]
- Map display markers with button.
- It can be filtered by district with the radar chart.
- [Y]
- Info is displayed by liquid charts.
- Entire info by district is displayed by radar chart.
- [Y]
- The map can display all neighborhood group by borough.
- The map can display all housing units group by borough.
- The map can display all crimes group by borough.
- The map can display all three parameters by top 10.
- The map displays a crime heat map.
- The map displays the neighborhood tabulation.
- The map displays all markers for: neighborhoods, crimes, housing offers, museums and galleries with their respective info.
- [Y]
- The map can zoom in or zoom out when a marker is clicked or double-clicked respectively.
- Radar chart allows an overlay and comparison of two districts.
In order to use the project you simply should download every file and folder from the project and execute index.html
with a valid web browser.
Projectsito has only been tested on Chrome browser on a screen of 1920x1080
I'm happy with my work, and I hope judges could see the same.