This is a basic key server for IRIS Hub named iks
. It contains the following routes:
Type API Descriptions
GET /version Version of IKS
GET /keys All keys managed by the keyserver
POST /keys Add a key
GET /keys/{name}?bech=acc Details of one key
PUT /keys/{name} Update the password on a key
DELETE /keys/{name} Delete a key
POST /tx/sign Sign a transaction
POST /tx/bank/send Generate a send transaction
POST /tx/broadcast Broadcast a signed transaction
Read the API documentation for more information.
First, build and start the server.
For Testnet, please update NetworkType=testnet
in makefile manually
# Install iks cli
> make install
# Generate config file (default is $HOME/.iks/config.yaml)
> iks config
# Run the server. Listening on port ':3000'
> iks serve
Request your service via api.
# example:
curl http://localhost:3000/version | jq
# Response:
# jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the given
# filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the filter's
# results as JSON on standard output.
You can use the included CLI to manage keys.
> iks [command] [flags]
# Global Flags:
# Name: --config
# Type: string
# Description: config file (default is $HOME/.iks/config.yaml)
Use iks keys [command] --help
for more information about a command.
Brief descriptions of available commands (click to expand)
- config
# Sets a default config file > iks config [flags]
- help
# Help provides help for any command in the application. > iks help [path to command] [flags]
- keys
- delete
# Delete a key > iks keys delete [name] [password] [flags]
- get
# Fetch all keys managed by the keyserver > iks keys get [flags]
- post
# Add a new key to the keyserver, optionally pass a mnemonic to restore the key > iks keys post [name] [password] [mnemonic] [flags]
- put
# Update the password on a key > iks keys put [name] [oldpass] [newpass] [flags]
- show
# Fetch details for one key > iks keys show [name] [flags]
- delete
- server
# Runs the server > iks serve [flags]
- tx
- bank send
# Generate a send transaction > iks tx bank send [sender-address] [reciever-address] [amount] [chain-id] [memo] [fees] [gas-adjustment] [flags]
- broadcast
# Broadcast a signed transaction > iks tx broadcast [file] [flags]
- sign
# Sign a transaction > iks tx sign [name] [password] [chain-id] [account-number] [sequence] [tx-file] [flags]
- bank send
- version
# Prints version information > iks version [flags]
You can use the mnemonics to create keys in iriscli
as well.
# Create a new key with generated mnemonic
# iks keys post [name] [password] | jq
> iks keys post jack foobarbaz | jq
# Create another key
# iks keys post [name] [password] | jq
> iks keys post jill foobarbaz | jq
# Save the mnemonic from the above command and add it to iris
# iris keys add [name] --recover
> iris keys add jack --recover
Next create a single node testnet. If any question else, you can refer to the following documents: 1. How to start an IRISnet network locally 2. IRIS Command Line Client
# Initialize the configuration files such as genesis.json and config.toml
# iris init [node-name] --chain-id [chain-id]
> iris init JackNode --chain-id iksnet
# Use the following command to modify the genesis.json file to assign the initial account balance to the above validator operator account
# iris add-genesis-account [account-address] 10000000000iris
> iris add-genesis-account $(iks keys show jack | jq -r .address) 10000000000000000uiris
> iris add-genesis-account $(iks keys show jill | jq -r .address) 100000000000000uiris
# Create the CreateValidator transaction and sign the transaction by the validator operator account
# iris gentx [name] [amount]
> iris gentx jack 100000000uiris --chain-id iksnet
# Configuring validator information
> iris collect-gentxs
> sed -i '' 's/stake/uiris/g' $HOME/.iris/config/genesis.json
> iris start
In another window, generate the transaction to sign, sign it and broadcast:
> mkdir -p test_data
# Generate a send transaction
# iks tx bank send [sender-address] [reciever-address] [amount] [chain-id] [memo] [fees] > [output-file]
> iks tx bank send $(iks keys show jack | jq -r .address) $(iks keys show jill | jq -r .address) 10000.58iris iksnet "jack to jill" 0.3iris > test_data/unsigned.json
# Sign the transaction
# iks tx sign [name] [password] [chain-id] [account-number] [sequence] [tx-file] > [output-file]
> iks tx sign jack foobarbaz iksnet 0 1 test_data/unsigned.json > test_data/signed.json
# Broadcast the signed transaction
# iks tx broadcast [tx-file]
> iks tx broadcast test_data/signed.json
# Response:
# Search for the transaction which has the same hash in all existing blocks
# iriscli tendermint tx [hash] [flags]
> iris q tx 84CEF8B7FD04DA6FE9C22A6077D8286FA7775CAA0BB06D1D875AE9527A3D15CB