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E-commerce App using Django, Python, Postgres, AWS, S3, and Travis-CI - Full Stack Milestone Project - 4|| Score: 94%

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Art of Tea

Build Status

The live website can be viewed here

Tea... Is it just a drink or is there something more behind it? From an early age tea was one of the main parts of daily life in different cultures and civilizations.
Tea connects people, calms the mind, brings harmony and balance.
Art of Tea is a refuge for a soul in the bustle of the city, an island of calm in the very heart of Dublin!
Tea ceremonies in our tea club proceed in the atmosphere of solitude and relaxation. This is an immersion into the secrets of the tea consuming traditions of the nations of the world, as well as a place for romantic dates and meetings with friends.

In Art of Tea you can visit one of our tea ceremonies, book an event for your company and buy nice fresh tea and teaware delivered straight to your doors!

Explore the misterious and amazing world of tea with us!

Table of Contents

  1. UX

  2. Features

  3. Information Architecture

  4. Technologies Used

  5. Testing

  6. Deployment

  7. Credits

  8. Disclaimer


Project Goals

Target Audience

  • People who love tea
  • People who want to get acquainted with tea culture
  • People who want to organise a party in Chineese or Japaneese style, search for tea ceremony service
  • People who want to get a new experience, curious about new things and want to get more knowledge about tea practice
  • People interested in Eastern culture in general
  • People who want to buy tea, teaware and care about good quality
  • People who are into meditation, yoga and similar practices

Visitor/user goals:

  • Purchase products/services shown on the website in a safe and secure way
  • Get information about tea ceremonies and different aspects of drinking tea
  • Organise custom tea events with special preferences

Business goals(site owner's goals):

  • Provide users with a secure professional e-commerce online shop
  • Make profit from selling teas, teaware and tea ceremony services
  • Promote tea culture in Ireland
  • Make the brand more recognisable and expand the business

User Stories

Common user stories (guests, new users and authenticated users)

  • As a user, I expect to access the website from any device, so that I can use the website anytime and anywhere.
  • As a user, I expect to easily navigate the website, so that I can quickly find what I'm looking for.
  • As a user, I want to easily access social media links of the company, so that I can read more information about it.
  • As a user, I want to read a summary info about the business, its ideas and benifits, so that I can quickly decide if it satisfies my needs.
  • As a user, I want to find an information about the company, to know what they do, what their main principles and ideas
  • As a user, I want to view events that happen in the tea club this week in Dublin, so that I can come and join any event.
  • As a user, I want to see the location of the Tea Club on a map, so that I can find the address easily and come to the advertised events.
  • As a user, I want to be able to easily contact the owner/manager of the company, so that I can write an additional query or ask a question.
  • As a user, I want to learn more about different types of tea ceremonies, about tea culture in general, so that I can choose and book one of the tea ceremonies.
  • As a user, I want to view service details and product details (e.g. image, price, description), so that I can book/buy some of them.
  • As a user, I want to search and filter the products easily, so that I can quickly find a specific product I am looking for.
  • As a user, I want to view and modify my order in the cart before completing it, so that I can make last changes easily before proceeding to payment.
  • As a user, I want to view a total price of my purchases and delivery cost, so that I will understand and see how much I will be charged.
  • As a user, I expect to make payments by card in a safe and secure way, so that I won't be concerned about the safety of my card details and won't be charged incorrectly.
  • As a user, I want to receive an email confirmation after checkout, so that I can make sure that payment was successfull.

New Users

  • As a user, I want to create my own account, so that I can save, view and edit my profile details and view my order history.

Returning users

  • As a user, I want to easily login anytime, so that I can get access to my saved profile details and make next purchase quicker.
  • As a user, I want to reset my password if I forgot it, so that I can get access to my profile again.
  • As a user, I want to be able to change my password, so that I can create the stronger password ( case I published my old password somewhere) to protect my personal details.
  • As a user, I want to be able to change my email or add the second email, so that I can have an easier access to the website's functionality and to gain more flexibility.

Website Owner(admin)

  • As a user, I want to have convenient and secure admin interface avalable only for website admin, so that I can add, edit and remove products/services.
  • As a user, I want to receive emails from the users when they fill out the contact form, so that I can reply on them satisfying users queries.



  • Bootstrap, front-end framework is chosen for this project for its modern interface, ease of use and ability to be easily customized. It is used for creating features such as navbar, cards, forms, modals, as well as for the layout.
  • JQuery is used for initializing some Bootstrap components, as well as for custom functions, DOM manipulation.

Colour Scheme

One of the main goals in UI was to focus user's attention on the products/services images. Therefore calm colors and different shades of one colour were mostly used accross the website's design.
Green and black are the colours associated with tea world, help us to immerse users to the tea world. While bright salmon colour is used for some headings and icons to create a contrast and catch user's attention.
Different shades of grey colour and shadows allow us to create clean and neat backgrounds and volume effect accross the website.

Color Palette


There are three fonts used across the project that I find a good combination:

  • Open Sans used as the main body font, popular modern sans-serif typeface providing good readability.
  • Marko One - elegant, decorative and eye-catching font, used mostly for headings.
  • Sawarabi Mincho - clean and simple font, perfectly fit to the "Art of Tea" and "East culture" theme, used for navbar elements and some headings.


Icons are used widely, as they are good attention grabbers. They help users to find and scan content quickly and easily. Another advantage of using them is to help to break language barriers. They create more user-friendly experience for people with non-native English by giving the visual clue about the subject.

  • I used FontAwesome as the main icon library across the project (e.g. for social media links, forms, cart, search and user icons in navigation).
  • Apart from that, I used some icons, specific to the tea world and East topic, that were found in a free icon library Flaticon - used in Landing and Events pages.


Balsamiq Wireframes tool was used to create all wireframes for the project.

Original wireframes for desktop, tablet and mobile can be found here.

Note: The website was changed and evolved through the development process and several improvements were applied. The wireframes served as guidelines but some details such as positioning, placement of images, buttons and other refinements diverge from the original wireframes.
Apart from that, there are some features that are included into original wireframes (such as reviews, social account login, user's avatar, image galleries for services/products), but were considered of secondary importance and were not implemented yet due to time constraints. This is reflected and described in details in Features left to implement section, and I intend to come back to them and implement them in future when I can dedicate more time to it.


Art of Tea website is composed by eight applications: landing, about, events, contact, products(contains products and services), cart, checkout, profiles.

Existing Features


The navbar is fixed at the top of the page all the time, this allows a user to easily navigate throughout the website. The logo is located in the top left corner on a desktop and in the center on the smaller devices. It redirects a user to the home/landing page when clicked. On smaller resolutions (tablet, mobile) the navbar is collapsed into a burger icon. Menu links appear when the burger icon is clicked and collapse back, when clicked again.

Navbar also contains a search box, where a user can search for product. It is collapsed into a search icon on the mobile and tablet, and slides down when the icon is clicked.
Also, navbar contains a cart icon along with a grand total displayed if there are items in the cart added. It changes the colour to yellow when there's something in the cart to catch user's attention, and remains white (as other navbar elements) when the cart is empty. Clicking the cart icon redirects a user to the cart page.

On the large screens an active page is highlighted (colour changes to green) depending on which page a user is currently on.
The difference in navbar for logged in, non-logged in users and admin:

  • navbar_for_guests

For non-logged in users or guests navbar contains the following links: Login, Register.

  • navbar_for_logged_in_users

For logged in users it contains the "My Account" nav-item which toggles down the following links that redirect user to the corresponding pages: My Profile, Order History, Logout.

  • For admin apart from all the links available for logged-in users mentioned above, there is also a link to the Product Management page, where admin can add new products and services. This is avaliable only for superusers. Defensive design with corresponding error messages is in place to protect this page from manual entering the url in the browser.


  • footer

Footer consists of 2 parts: main footer section and additional footer section which is displayed only on the large screens.

Main footer section is stuck to the bottom of the page and displayed across all the screens. It contains the social media icon-links which redirect a user to the corresponding page, opening in a new tab. GitHub and LinkedIn icons open author of the project's profile, while Instagram and Facebook icons open the main pages, as it is not the real company.
The additional desktop only section contains

  • logo, that is clickable and redirects to the landing page and also a small paragraph about the company
  • quick links to the main pages
  • contact information that contains address, phone number and email

Landing (home) page

  • landing_page

The landing page serves to attract new users to the business, to give a clear understanding about that and to attract users to use the website's functionality (book ceremony/buy products). Smooth animation on scroll is apllied to almost all sections of the page(mostly to images and icons). Tha landing page consists of 9 sections:

  • Hero image section contains a full-screen image, main heading with a subheading and 2 buttons "Book tea ceremony" and "Buy tea or teaware" that redirect a user to the services and products pages, correspondingly. The purpose of this section is to attract new users, to make the first impression and to call to action.
  • Introduction about section contains an introduction about the company, what it does and what can be found on the website. It also contains an image and a "Learn more" button which redirects a user to the About page.
  • Quote section contains heading and Osho's quote about process of drinking tea, that gives a user an impression and understanding of some principles and ideas of the "Art of Tea" tea-club.
  • Our benefits section provides a user information about the advantages of the company with a purpose of convincing users to use the functionality of the website. It contains 5 small paragraphs that describe benifits, along with authentic icons to enhance User Experience.
  • Tea Ceremony section contains a paragraph about tea ceremonies offered to book on the website, along with a button "View our services" that leads to the Services page. There's also an image-carousel with 3 images representing tea ceremonies.
  • Tea and Teaware section also displays an image-carousel (3 images) and a paragraph about the online tea shop products, along with a button "View our products" that redirects to the Products page.
  • Events section contains a paragraph about the events happening in the tea club with a link to the Events page.
  • Reviews sections contains the customers' reviews carousel with the user's avatars, review and usernames. Note: this section is static at the moment, but there's an intent to make it dynamic and to showcase real reviews, what's documented in Features left to implement section(reviews).
  • Contact section contains a question and a link to the Contact page, allowing a user to post a query/question there via the form.

About page

  • about_mockup

The page provides a user information about the main focus of the website, its purposes, ideas and principles.

It contains 3 sections: Who we are, Our principles and Our mission followed by the images and an image-carousel in the last section.

Events page

  • events_mockup

This page represents the events that happen each week in the tea club "Art of Tea". The short paragraph explains to a user how the events are organised and about the donation system.

As well as that, the page contains Weekly events table (from the Events model) displaying weekdays, time and name of the event that are available in the tea club.
There's also a Find us here section, showing the address, phone number and the link to the Facebook page, that can be checked to see more details about each week's events. On the large screen, there is also a small teapot image under the "Find us here" section. The animation on scroll is applied to that image and to the main paragraph.

Contact page

  • contact_mockup

Contact page consists of 2 sections:

  • Contact form that's offered to fill out (name, email, message) if a user has any questions or queries. The real email will be sent to the admin of the website (handling by django send_mail() functionality). If an authenticated user opens the contact page, the full name (if provided in user's profile) and email fields are pre-populated.
  • Contact details section provides company's address, phone number and email, along with a map showing the location of the tea club. By clicking at the red marker, a user can check the opening hours. Google Map API was used to accomplish that.

Products page

  • products_mockup
  • The "All products" page displays product cards, including the following information: category, name, price. All product cards are clickable and redirect a user to the individual product page with detailed information (by clicking on the image or the "View details" button).
  • Clicking on Add to cart button will add the product to the cart with quantity equal to 1, clicking again will simply updates the quantity by 1. This functionality was added to enhance user experiance, to allow users straight away add an item to the cart without viewing products details and giving more flexibility to use the website.
  • If the user is admin, there are also 2 buttons displayed in the cards: Edit and Delete. Clicking Edit button redirects admin to the Edit Product page. Delete button toggles the Delete modal. It asks a superuser to confirm if the product is to be deleted. If so, upon clicking "Delete" button, the product will not be removed from the database, but will set as discontinued and will be removed from the user's view. Then the page reloads and the toast-message will inform about the sucessfull deletion. There is also a button "Cancel" that closes the modal when it's clicked. These actions can be done only by superuser, attempts to access them by other users will end up with redirection to the landing page with toast error messages displayed.
  • User can filter the products by category to see the specific items. When the category is clicked, only products of the selected category are displayed, as well as the Category Name and a number of the items satisfying the query.

Product details page

  • product_details_mockup
  • The product details page displays information about the selected product: category, name, description, rating, price and product image (or placeholder if no image was added). Clicking the image will open it in the new tab, if the image_url is assigned.
  • If a product is one of the tea categories, not teaware (that checked by using "has_weight" Boolean field), there's additional paragraph informing that price is displayed per 100g.
  • The item quantity can be assigned filling the quantity form, the validation is in place restricting the quantity to the range of 1-999. The validation errors will be displayed, if the user tries to input the numbers outside of that range.
  • Product can be added to the cart by clicking Add to cart button, that will be reflected in the cart icon in the navbar (grand total will be increased there). As well as that, the toast success message will be displayed when the product is added to the cart.
  • If the user is admin, there are also 2 buttons displayed below the product name: Edit and Delete. Clicking Edit button redirects admin to the Edit Product page. Delete button toggles the Delete modal. It asks a superuser to confirm if the product is to be deleted. If so, upon clicking "Delete" button, the product will not be removed from the database, but will set as discontinued and will be removed from the user's view. Then the page reloads and the toast-message will inform about the sucessfull deletion. There is also a button "Cancel" that closes the modal when it's clicked. These actions can be done only by a superuser, attempts to access them by other users will end up with redirection to the landing page with toast error messages displayed.
  • Breadcrumbs on the top of the page give a user an additional opportunity to navigate through the product-related pages (e.g. to come back to the category selected).
  • Products button redirects user back to the All Products page.


  • services_mockup
  • Services page displays horizontal services cards including the following information: name, description, price and image. No-image placeholder is assigned if no image is provided.
  • Button "Learn more" redirects a user to the individual service page with detailed information.
  • Similar to products, Edit and Delete are displayed on the cards if the user is admin with the corresponding functionality to render Edit Service page and toggle Delete modal.
  • At the bottom of the page there's a paragraph with a link to the Contact page, offering a user to contact a store manager for organising a custom tea ceremony and discussing further details.
  • As the website initial ideas and purposes did not suppose to contain many services (there are only 4 services displayed), there is no filtering or searching options that are in place for the products pages.

Service details page

  • service_details_mockup
  • The service details page displays the following information: name, description, rating, price per person, itinerary, duration and image (or placeholder if no image was added). Clicking the image will open it in the new tab, if the image_url is assigned.
  • Itinerary example table contains the time and description within the stated duration. This section's purpose is to showcase a user how the ceremony is organised, what is included in it.
  • For admin there is an Itinerary form functionality and remove itinerary buttons at the bottom of the page. This allows a superuser to quickly add/delete itinerary items.
  • Other features available only to the admin are the Edit and Delete (same as in the Services page) allowing admin to edit or delete services respectivelly.
  • To add service to cart a user has to fill the form that contains 2 fields: number of participants and date-time.
  • Number of participants field (a quantity field in the back end) provides same functionality and validations as for quantity in product details page. The value range is withtin 1-100, the validation error messages will be fired when user tries to enter invalid input.
  • The datatime picker allows a user to choose the desirable date and time. Only dates and times in future (after the current date/time) can be assigned. As well as that, the hours are restricted only to opening hours (12-8 p.m.) and minute stepping is set to 30 to enhance User Experience.
  • If the form is valid, clicking on Add to Cart button will update the cart with a new service added and success toast message will ensure a user that item was added to the cart.
  • Breadcrumbs on the top of the page give a user an additional opportunity to navigate through the service-related pages (e.g. to come back to the all services page).
  • Services button redirects a user back to the Services page.

Cart page

  • cart
  • The link at the top of the page Continue shopping" navigates a user back to the products page, if a user wants to add something else to the cart.
  • Cart page is available for both logged in and non-logged in users, so that it is possible to make purchase being a guest.
  • The page contains a summary of the user's order: the item's name, image, quantitie/ number of participants, price, sub-total and sku(for products).
  • A user can update item's quantity/number of participants and date-time (if it's a service) and remove items from their order completely. To prevent from the accidental clicking the remove button, the modal will be opened on click asking a user to confirm the deletion. If a user tries to enter invalid quantity, error message will be displayed when "Update" button is clicked and will prevent the invalid form submission. The error message will inform about the possible range: 1-999 for product's quantity and 1-100 for service's number of participants fields.
  • Toast messages will be displayed when a user updates/removes items in the cart.
  • At the bottom of the page the cart subtotal, delivery coast and grand total are displayed.
  • There is a Checkout button that takes a user to the checkout page to proceed with the payment.

Checkout page

  • checkout

Checkout page contains 2 main section: checkout 3-steps form and order summary.

  • Order summary includes short information about items in the order (image, name, quantity, subtotal, date-time), the link to Edit cart ( that redirects a user to the Cart page), delivery cost and also Total to pay.
  • Checkout form is represented as 3 tabs with the Next and Go back buttons to navigate between the tabs. The form sections are the following: Personal Details, Billing/Shipping info and Payment.
  • If a user already has a profile with the shipping information saved, the form will be pre-populated with this information.
  • The validation messages will be displayed on click Next button, so a user can move on the next tab only if the current form-section is filled with valid information.
  • The save info checkbox allows the form information to be saved to the user's profile for the logged in users.
  • If it's a new or non-logged user there are links to register or login pages, in case a user wants to save the information to their profile.
  • Before proceeding the payment, user can review and check all the information in the table (Form Summary).
  • There's also an optional Comment field for cases if a user has any additional comments to the order.
  • A user is informed how much the card will be charged in the paragraph below the Proceed to payment button.
  • Since the website is made for educational purposes only and the Stripe functionality is only for testing, only 4242 4242 4242 4242 card number will lead to the successfull payment. A user is asked to provide card number, expiration date (any date in future) and CVC (any numbers).
  • A webhook is used to make sure that the order is processed even in the cases when the payment process is interrupted (e.g. if a user accidentally closes the page or browser after clicking "Proceed to payment" button).
  • Once the form is submitted and the payment is successfully proceeded, the Checkout sucesss page is loaded and a confirmation email is sent to the user's email. Also, a toast message appears to ensure the user that the order was processed successfully.

Checkout Success page

  • The paragraph with a Thank you message is displayed on the top of the page to inform a user that the payment was processed and the email was sent to the user's email.
  • The 3 sections Order info, Shipping details and Order Summary contain all the information about the completed order.
  • Keep shopping button redirects user to the Products page.
  • For logged-in users there's a button View full order history that takes users to the order history page.

Profile page

Profle feature is available only for authenticated users.

  • Profile page contains Personal info section (username and email displayed). Also it contains 2 buttons Change password and Manage emails (changing the current or adding a new email) that take a user to the corresponding pages (that's a part of Django allauth functionality with a customized templates).
  • Shipping details section allows to save the shipping information, so for the next purchase the fields in the checkout form will be pre-filled with this info. User can update this information anytime.
  • View order history link will redirect a user to the Order History page.

Order History

Order history feature is available only for authenticated users.

  • If a user has not made any purchases, the paragraph will inform that the order history is empty with a link to the Product page.
  • If there are completed orders, the table with the following fields: Order Number, Date, Items, Total is in place.
  • Clicking the link on the Order number will redirect a user to the checkout success page with all the order information. The Toast info message will tell the user that it's a past confirmation for the order number.
  • View My Profile link will redirect a user to the Profile page.

Admin product managment

Product managment feature is available only for authenticated superuser. Admin page allows an owner of the website to add new products/services by filling out one of the two forms - Add New Product and Add New Service on the Product Management page. If the form is valid, the product/service is added to the database and the user is redirected to the new created product/service details page. The defensive design is implemented to restrict other than admin users to manually enter the url to get access to the page. User will be redirected to the home page with the toast error messages appeared. Edit and Delete product/service functionality allow an admin to make the corresponding manipulations. The Delete functionality was updated during the development, so the product/service is not being completely removed from the database, but set as discontinued and is hidden from the user's view and can be set as active again any time.

Django-allauth features

Sign Up

The sign up page allows a user to create a new account. The user is asked to fill the fields "email", "username", "password" and "password (again)". When adding a username, the code compares it against existing email to ensure that it is unique. If user's input does not meet requirements, flash messages will inform a user about the error. When the form is submitted, a verification email is sent to the user's email to verify the email and finish registration process.
There is also a link to the login page for existing users at the bottom of the form.
The Registration page is only available to anonymous users and logged-in users are redirected out automatically.


The login page features the form with "username" and "password" fields, allowing registered users to log into their account. If the login was successfull, a user is redirected to the home page and the toast success message appears informing that the log in was successful. Otherwise, flash messages will be displayed about incorrect user's input.
There is also a link to the sign up page for new users at the bottom of the form. As well as that, there's a link to the forgot password functionality, using which a user can reset their password. The login page is only available to anonymous users and logged-in users are redirected out automatically.

Forgot password

A user can reset their password to be able to login by entering the email. Then the link for reseting password will be sent to the email provided. The user can create a new password and then login with a new password.


Hitting "logout" button renders logout page, asking to confirm if a user wants to logout. It will end their session and redirects to the homepage with a toast success message appeared.

404 and 500 error pages

Custom 404 and 500 pages contain heading, short information about the error and a button "Back Home". As well as that, they display navbar that allows users to come back easily to any page if they got lost.

Back to Top button

Back to Top button allows a user to scroll up to the top of the page, that makes a navigation easier.

Sorting products by price/name/rating

Users can sort products by price(high to low and low to high), rating(high to low and low to high) and name(A-Z and Z-A).

Features Left to Implement

There are some features that I considered were of secondary importance and I have not implemented them yet due to time constraints, but intend to do so in future when I will be able to dedicate more time to them. Most of these features are displayed in my original wireframes.

Star based Rating and Reviews

This will be the first priority feature I would like to implement in future. Users would be able to create, edit and delete their reviews for products and services. Rating would be displayd as stars(0-5) in the product details and service details pages. Also, in the landing page reviews section, the static reviews would be replaced with the real ones, displaying up to 5 random reviews from the database.

User avatar

This feature would allow users to assign the standard randomly picked avatar or upload their own photos/avatar. Avatar would be displayed on the user Profile page and also near the reviews, if a user have some.

Social account login (Google and Facebook)

This feature allows users to login using social networks accounts, Google and Facebook, that would enhance user experience and make the login process easier.

Image galleries

As can be viewed in the original wireframes, I initially planned to assign up to 3 for products and 5 for service images. An attempt at this was made by creating ImageGallery Model in the Products app. However, this feature would require much more time to search for the suitable images, resize them and implement further functionality. So due to mentioned above time constraints the ImageGallery model was removed from the database, image and image_url fields were moved to the Product model. In the future, I would like to implement this feature and add more images to the products and services for enchancing User Experience.

Other small features are also considered to be implemented in feature, such as Pagination in products page, Scroll down button on the landing page, Discout system.
I would also like to add more products to the store.

Information Architecture

Database choice

During the development phase I worked with sqlite3 database which is installed with Django.
For deployment(production), a PostgreSQL database is provided by Heroku as an add-on.

  • The User model used in this project is provided by Django as a part of defaults django.contrib.auth.models. More information about Django’s authentication system can be found here.

Data Modelling

Profile App

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
User user OneToOneField 'User' on_delete=models.CASCADE
Full Name profile_full_name CharField max_length=70, null=True, blank=True
Phone number profile_phone_number CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Address Line1 profile_address_line1 CharField max_length=60, null=True, blank=True
Address Line2 profile_address_line2 CharField max_length=60, null=True, blank=True
Town/City profile_town_or_city CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=True
County profile_county CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=True
Postcode profile_postcode CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Country profile_country CountryField blank_label='Country', null=True, blank=True

Products App

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Category category ForeignKey 'Category' null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Name name CharField max_length=254
Description description TextField max_length=800
Price price DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.01)]
Rating rating DecimalField max_digits=2, decimal_places=1, null=True, blank=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(0), MaxValueValidator(5)]
Is a service is_a_service BooleanField default=False
Discontinued discontinued BooleanField default=False
Image image ImageField null=True, blank=True
Image Url image_url URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Has Weight has_weight BooleanField default=False, null=True, blank=True
Sku sku CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Duration duration IntegerField null=True, blank=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(24)]
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Programmatic Name name CharField max_length=254
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name CharField max_length=254, null=True
Service service OneToOneField 'Product' null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE
Itinerary Item
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Itinerary itinerary ForeignKey 'Itinerary' null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE
Time time CharField max_length=254
Text text CharField max_length=254

Checkout App

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Order Number order_number CharField max_length=32, null=False, editable=False
Profile profile ForeignKey 'Profile' on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders'
Full Name full_name CharField max_length=70, null=False, blank=False
Email email EmailField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False
Phone number phone_number CharField max_length=20, null=False, blank=False
Address Line1 address_line1 CharField max_length=60, null=False, blank=False
Address Line2 address_line2 CharField max_length=60, null=False, blank=False
Town/City town_or_city CharField max_length=50, null=False, blank=False
County county CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=True
Postcode postcode CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Country country CountryField blank_label='Country*', null=False, blank=False
Purchase Date purchase_date DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Delivery Cost delivery_cost DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Order Total order_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Grand Total grand_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Original Cart original_cart TextField null=False, blank=False, default=''
Stripe Pid stripe_pid CharField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default=''
Comment comment TextField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Order Item Details
Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Order order ForeignKey 'Order' null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='orderitems'
Product product ForeignKey 'Product' null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.PROTECT
Quantity quantity IntegerField null=False, blank=False, default=0
Item Total item_total DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False
Datetime datetime CharField null=True, blank=True, max_length=20

Events app

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Weekday weekday CharField max_length=10
Time time CharField max_length=80
Description description CharField max_length=254

Technologies Used


Libraries and Frameworks

  • Django - Python framework for building the project.
  • Bootstrap - as the front-end framework for layout and design.
  • Google Fonts - to import fonts.
  • FontAwesome - to provide icons used across the project.
  • JQuery - to simplify DOM manipulation and to initialize Bootstrap functions.
  • Gunicorn - a Python WSGI HTTP Server to enable deployment to Heroku.
  • Psycopg2 - to enable the PostgreSQL database to function with Django.
  • Stripe - to handle financial transactions.
  • Django Crispy Forms - to style Django forms.
  • Coverage - to see the percentage of the automated testsing.
  • Google Maps JavaScript API- to render the map in Contact page.
  • Tempus Dominus - to initialize datetime picker.


  • GitPod - an online IDE for developing this project.
  • Git - for version control.
  • GitHub - for remotely storing project's code.
  • PIP - for installation of necessary tools.
  • Heroku - to host the project.
  • AWS S3 Bucket - to store static and media files in prodcution.
  • WhiteNoise - to store static files during develompment.
  • Boto3 for compatibility with AWS.
  • Travis - for integration testing.
  • TinyPng - for compressing images.
  • ImgBB - to host images used in README and also services/products images to provide URLs.
  • GIMP2 - for editing and resizing images.
  • Balsamiq - to create wireframes.
  • - to create colour palette used in the README.



Testing information can be found in a separate file


The Art of Tea project was developed using the GitPod online IDE and using Git & GitHub for version control. It is hosted on the Heroku platform, with static files on WhiteNoise and user-uploaded images being hosted in AWS S3 Basket.

Local Deployment

To be able to run this project, the following tools have to be installed:

Apart from that, you also need to create accounts with the following services:


  1. You can clone this repository directly into the editor of your choice by pasting the following command into the terminal:
    git clone
    Alternatively, you can save a copy of this repository by clicking the green button Clone or download , then Download Zip button, and after extract the Zip file to your folder.
    In the terminal window of your local IDE change the directory (CD) to the correct file location (directory that you have just created).

Note: You can read more information about the cloning process on the GitHub Help page.

  1. Set up environment variables.
    Note, that this process will be different depending on IDE you use.
    In this it was done using the following way:
    • Create .env file in the root directory.
    • Add .env to the .gitignore file in your project's root directory
    • In .env file set environment variables with the following syntax:
    import os  
    os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"    
    os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "<Your Secret key>"    
    os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = "<Your Stripe Public key>"    
    os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = "<Your Stripe Secret key>"    
    os.environ["STRIPE_WH_SECRET"] = "<Your Stripe WH_Secret key>"    
    os.environ["GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"] = "<Your Google Map key>" 

Read more about how to set up the Stripe keys in the Stripe Documentation

  1. Install all requirements from the requirements.txt file putting this command into your terminal:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. In the terminal in your IDE migrate the models to crete a database using the following commands:
    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate
  3. Load the data fixtures(categories, products, itinerary, itinerary_items, events) in that order into the database using the following command:
    python3 loaddata <fixture_name>
  4. Create a superuser to have an access to the the admin panel(you need to follow the instructions then and insert username,email and password):
    python3 createsuperuser
  5. You will now be able to run the application using the following command:
    python3 runserver
  6. To access the admin panel, you can add the /admin path at the end of the url link and login using your superuser credentials.

Heroku Deployment

To start Heroku Deployment process, you need to clone the project as described in the Local deployment section above.
To deploy the project to Heroku the following steps need to be completed:

  1. Create a requirement.txt file, which contains a list of the dependencies, using the following command in the terminal:
    pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  2. Create a Procfile, in order to tell Heroku how to run the project, using the following command in the terminal:
    web: gunicorn art_of_tea.wsgi:application
  3. git add, git commit and git push these files to GitHub repository.
    NOTE: these 1-3 steps already done in this project and included in the GitHub repository, but illistrated here as they are required for the successfull deployment to Heroku.
    As well as that, other things that are required for the Heroku deployment and have to be installed: gunicorn (WSGI HTTP Server), dj-database-url for database connection and Psycopg (PostgreSQL driver for Python). All of the mentioned above are already installed in this project in the requirements.txt file.
  4. On the Heroku website you need to create a new app, assigne a name (must be unique),set a region to the closest to you(for my project I set Europe) and click Create app.
  5. Go to Resources tab in Heroku, then in the Add-ons search bar look for Heorku Postgres(you can type postgres), select Hobby Dev — Free and click Provision button to add it to your project.
  6. In Heroku Settings click on Reveal Config Vars.
  7. Set the following config variables there:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <your aws access key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <your aws secret access key>
DATABASE_URL <your postgres database url>
EMAIL_HOST_PASS <your email password(generated by Gmail)>
EMAIL_HOST_USER <your email address>
GOOGLE_MAP_KEY <your google map key>
SECRET_KEY <your secret key>
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY <your stripe public key>
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY <your stripe secret key>
STRIPE_WH_SECRET <your stripe wh key>

Note: More about Google Map key settings can be found here.

  1. Copy DATABASE_URL's value(Postrgres database URL) from the Convig Vars and temporary paste it into the default database in
    You can temporary comment out the current database settings code and just paste the following in the
  DATABASES = {     
        'default': dj_database_url.parse("<your Postrgres database URL here>")     

Important Note: that's just temporary set up, this URL should not be committed and published to GitHub for security reasons, so make sure not to commit your changes to Git while the URL is in the
9. Migrate the database models to the Postgres database using the following commands in the terminal:
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
10. Load the data fixtures(categories, products, itinerary, itinerary_items, events) into the Postgres database using the following command:
python3 loaddata <fixture_name>
11. Create a superuser for the Postgres database by running the following command(you need to follow the instructions and inserting username,email and password):
python3 createsuperuser
12. You need to remove your Postgres URL database from the settings and uncomment the default DATABASE settings code in the file.
Note: for production you get the environment variable 'DATABASE_URL' from the Heroku Config Vars and use Postgress database, while for development you use the SQLite as a default database.
13. Add your Heroku app URL to ALLOWED_HOSTS in the file. 14. You can connect Heroku to GitHub to automatically deploy each time you push to GitHub.
To do so, from the Heroku dashboard follow the steps:

  • Deploy section -> Deployment method -> select GitHub
  • link the Heroku app to your GitHub repository for this project
  • click Enable Automatic Deploys in the Automatic Deployment section
  • Run git push command in the terminal, that would now push your code to both Github and Heroku, and perform the deployment.

Alternatively, in the terminal you can run:

  • heroku login
  • after adding and comitting to Git, run the following command:
    git push heroku master
  1. After successful deployment, you can view your app bu clicking Open App on Heroku platform.
  2. You will also need to verify your email address, so you need to login with your superuser credentials and verify your email address in the admin panel. Now you will be able to view the app running!
Hosting media files with AWS

The static files and media files (that will be uploaded by superuser - product/service images) are hosted in the AWS S3 Bucket. To host them, you need to create an account in AWS and create your S3 basket with public access. More about setting it up you can read in Amazon S3 documentation and this tutorial.

Senging email via Gmail

In order to send real emails from the application, you need to connect it to your Gmail account, setting up your email address in EMAIL_HOST_USER variable and your app password generated by your email provider in EMAIL_HOST_PASS variable.

Google Maps API key set up
  • In the Google Cloud Platform Console create a new project.
  • Click Continue to enable the API and any related services.
  • Get an API key and set the API key restrictions on the Credentials page. You can read more about Using API Keys documentation.
  • Put your Google Maps key into the environment variable locally in the file:
    os.environ["GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"] = "<Your Google Map key>" and in production in the Heroku Config Vars as GOOGLE_MAP_KEY.



  • The project's code was developed by following the Code Institute video lessons and based on the understanding of the Boutique Ado Django Mini-Project, but was customized, modified and enhanced to fit the project purposes. Some comments with credits to that were added to some parts of the code, where needed.
  • Stack Overflow was extremely helpful and useful during the process of building this project, credits for the certain solutions are given in the comments.
  • I also constantly referred to the following documentation sources during the development: Django, Stripe.
  • Animation on scroll was implemented using AOS
  • The idea of implementation of Checkout 3-steps form(handling validation on click and preventing submission) in checkout_form.js was given in Slack by my fellow student Johann Albert.
  • The idea of refactoring Delete products/services functionaly, and creating discontinued BooleanField in the Product model instead of completely removing products from the database, was given by my fellow student James Gregory.

Content and Media


I would like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout the development of this project:

  • My mentor Simen Daehlin for his support, help, patience and guidance, very useful tips and advice!
  • Tim, Michael, Miklos, Stephen, Anna, Samantha, Haley and other Code Institute tutors for their help to debug issues, assistance and support!
  • Many thanks to my fellow students, Slack community and, of course, my friends and my family for the time, patience, help and support!


This site is made for educational purposes only.


E-commerce App using Django, Python, Postgres, AWS, S3, and Travis-CI - Full Stack Milestone Project - 4|| Score: 94%







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