Veebo is a personal assistant that can do some pretty steamy things. Download Veebo here
- Type 'Add user' to add an account
- Type 'Log out' to log out of the current account info
- Type 'Delete user' to delete a user
- Type 'My info' to change the current account info
- Type 'Change Personality' to change the way Veebo responds to what you type
- Type 'Open Giggles' to use Giggles Settings directly inside Veebo
- Type 'Open Cryption' to use Cryption directly inside Veebo
- Type 'Enable intro' to enable the logo on startup
- Want to have some fun? Type 'Infect me' for more info (non-harmful)
- Secure your account with a randomly generated Cryption Key by typing 'Enable secure mode'
- Type 'Open website' to open a webpage
- Type 'Google' to search google for a website
- Type 'Update' to check if there is an update available
- Type 'Whats new?' to find out whats new with each update
- Type 'Stopwatch' to start a stopwatch
- Type 'Change theme' to change color or 'rainbow' to go crazy
- Type 'Show history' to show everything you have ever typed to Veebo