The default connection string is called AppDb
and is stored in appsetings.json
file. Check the file to confirm that the connection string to your local database is correct. The context is configured in ExampleModule.cs (Modules.Example.Api project)
with the connection string being read from configuration.
In order to execute EF Core commands from .NET CLI install EF Core Tools.
To create a new migration you can use .NET CLI and execute the following command:
dotnet ef migrations add <NAME> --project <PathToProjectWhereIsDbContext> --startup-project <PathToMainApiProject> --context <ContextName> --output-dir <PathToMigrationsDir> --configuration Debug --no-build
Migration script example:
dotnet ef migrations add ExampleMigration --project .\src\modules\example\infrastructure --startup-project .\src\api\app --context ExampleDbContext .\Migrations --configuration Debug --no-build
In order to create the database, apply database migrations by executing:
dotnet ef database update --startup-project <PathToMainApiProject>
Optionally, you can add the specific name of migration that you want the database to be updated to:
dotnet ef database update -MigrationName --startup-project <PathToMainApiProject>