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Easy Anticheat Workaround (Elden Ring and others)

qDot edited this page Mar 4, 2022 · 1 revision

For games that use Easy Anticheat purely as network protection, this method can be used to have the process show up on the Game Haptics Router Process List.

Method taken from this Windows Central article:

Assuming Steam is being used (but this should work with most game stores, just change the path):

  1. Go to the Steam library location where you installed Elden Ring.
  2. Go to steamapps > ELDEN RING > game.
  3. Rename start_protected_game.exe to something else. (I added "_original" to the end of the file name.)
  4. Make a copy of elden_ring.exe.
  5. Rename this newly made copy to start_protected_game.exe.
  6. Run the game through Steam as normal.

Elden Ring should display a notice that offline mode has been activated. You should now be able to enjoy the game (albeit a little more) without the anti-cheat software running, but you won't be able to participate in online play.

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