These are code examples showing how to call and utilize Interzoid's various Cloud APIs using Go. Interzoid's APIs provide real-time data in several categories for integration into Web sites, applications, and business processes. There are also data matching and data validation APIs that can significantly improve the value of your data assets.
Note: There are repositories with importable 'go get' packages available for the following APIs if an SDK is your preference:
Individual Name Match Scoring:
Individual Name Similarity Keys:
Company Name Similarity Keys:
Street Address Similarity Keys:
To see this API in action via a Web application that quickly generates inconsistent/duplicate data reports while connected to major Cloud data platforms, visit here:
GetCompanyMatchSimkey.go - generates a similarity key to use to match/locate other similar company names ("IBM" & "International Business Machines", etc.) - visit the API Page:
CompanyNameMatchReport.go - generates a report from a CSV file showing matching company/organization names within the file ("IBM" & "International Business Machines", etc.) - visit the API Page:
GetFullNameMatchSimkey.go - generates a similarity key to use to match/locate other similar individual names ("Thomas Johnson" & "Mr. Tom Johntsen", etc.) - visit the API Page:
FullNameMatchReport.go - generates a report from a CSV file showing matching individual names within the file ("Thomas Johnson" & "Mr. Tom Johntsen", etc.) - visit the API Page:
AddressMatchReport.go - generates a report from a CSV file showing matching individual addresses within the file ("100 East Main Street" & "100 E Main St.", etc.) - visit the API Page:
GetCurrencyRate.go - Retrieves a real-time currency rate for 150+ global currencies - visit the API Page:
GetCryptoPrice.go - Retrieves a real-time cryptocurrency price (BTC, ETH, ADA, BNB, etc.) - visit the API Page:
GetEmailInformation.go - Retrieves email validity and several other data points for a given email address - visit the API Page:
GetGlobalPhoneInformation.go - Retrieves geographic information, mobile, language and other demographics for a global telephone number - visit the API Page:
GetPagePerformance.go - Measures page load times or API call performance from one of 20+ global locations - visit the API Page:
TestSpeed20Locations.go - Measures page load times or API call performance from ALL 20+ global locations - visit the API Page:
GetWeatherFromZip.go - Retrieves temperature and other information about current weather conditions for a zip code - visit the API Page:
To register for your free API Key (a block of free API credits), visit here:
These APIs can also be called in batch mode retrieving input data and writing results from/to databases such as Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, Snowflake, AWS Aurora, SQL Server, Access, .CSV files, etc. (native/odbc & local or Cloud). For more info visit here:
contact [email protected] with any questions or feedback
Twitter: @Interzoid