for tps test.
full node - build network, shard all local full nodes, get local full node list, show tps info.
local full node - receive transaction messages, create events with transactions, gossip events with other nodes, consensus events and transactions, calculate tps.
light-demo - construct transaction messages, and send to local full node.
ubuntu16.04, jdk1.8(sun)
- config(default.config)
keep default.config and seed-1.0.0-pg.jar in the same path.
ShardSize, LocalFullNodeSize, NeighborSize, seed.pubIP, seed.port, seed.rpcPort, seed.httpPort are very important.
ShardSize*LocalFullNodeSize must be equal to the total number of local full nodes. - run
command: nohup java -jar seed-1.0.0-pg.jar --Ice.Config=./default.config &
- config(default.config)
keep default.config and localfullnode-1.0.0-pg.jar in the same path.
seed.pubIP, seed.port, seed.rpcPort, seed.httpPort must be consistent with full node's config. - run
command: nohup java -jar localfullnode-1.0.0-pg.jar --Ice.Config=./default.config &
- config(default.config)
keep default.config and light-demo-1.0.0.jar in the same path.
seed.pubIP, seed.port, seed.rpcPort, seed.httpPort must be consistent with full node's config. - run
command: nohup java -jar light-demo-1.0.0.jar --Ice.Config=./default.config &