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Merge pull request #732 from interlay/feat-query-dot-vdot-reserved
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Feat: Query locked DOT, VDOT balances
  • Loading branch information
bvotteler authored Apr 15, 2024
2 parents 6c83a1a + 512e3c5 commit 7a37014
Showing 1 changed file with 303 additions and 0 deletions.
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions scripts/locked-dot-vdot.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
import yargs from "yargs/yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import { createSubstrateAPI } from "../src/factory";
import { ApiPromise } from "@polkadot/api";
import { cryptoWaitReady } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";
import { StorageKey } from "@polkadot/types/primitive/StorageKey";
import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
import { AccountId } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
import { InterbtcPrimitivesCurrencyId } from "../src";
import BN from "bn.js";
import Big from "big.js";
import * as fsp from "fs/promises";

const PARACHAIN_ENDPOINT = "wss://";

type LendTokenCcyId = {
"LendToken": number;
type TokenCcyId = {
"Token": string;
type ForeignAssetCcyId = {
"ForeignAsset": number;

const CCY = {
DOT: { "Token": "DOT" } as TokenCcyId,
qDOT: { "LendToken": 2 } as LendTokenCcyId,
VDOT: { "ForeignAsset": 3 } as ForeignAssetCcyId,
qVDOT: { "LendToken": 4 } as LendTokenCcyId,

const CCY_SYMBOLS = new Set(Object.keys(CCY));

type ReservedBalanceData = {
"accountId": AccountId;
"ccyId": InterbtcPrimitivesCurrencyId;
"symbol": string;
"reserved": BN;

type TokenBalance = {
// token symbol
[key: string]: string;

type UnderlyingBalance = {
// token symbol
[key: string]: {
locked: string;
rateApplied: string;

type AccountsMap = {
[key: string]: {
reserved: TokenBalance;
underlying?: UnderlyingBalance;

type LendTokenRate = {
// lend token symbol
[key: string]: Big

// first key is account id, collateral values are in planck
type OutputFormat = {
[key: string]: TokenBalance;

// Run from project root folder with `npx tsx ./scripts/locked-dot-vdot.ts [options]`
// eg. `npx tsx ./scripts/locked-dot-vdot.ts --block-hash 0xb541ad774ba9e8d35d9551a3b6580e813990cd17abe1d8dcc1bde3a0d6f43348`
const argsPromise = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
.option("block-hash", {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
description: "Block hash at which to query, defaults to latest block. Must be prefixed with '0x' and have a length of 66. eg. Last block on March 31, 2024, has the hash 0xb541ad774ba9e8d35d9551a3b6580e813990cd17abe1d8dcc1bde3a0d6f43348",
type: "string",
alias: "b"
.option("output-file", {
description: "Which file to write json results to, defaults to 'output-{blockhash}.json'",
type: "string",
alias: "o"
.option("print-only", {
description: "Do not write results to file, only log to console, defaults to false.",
type: "boolean",
alias: "p",
default: false
.check((argv) => {
if(argv["block-hash"]) {
const hash = argv["block-hash"];
if (!(hash.slice(0, 2) === "0x")) {
throw Error("Block hash must be a hex string starting with '0x'");
} else if (hash.length != 66) {
throw Error("Block hash must be a hex string with a length of 66 characters");

return 1;

// only interested in DOT, VDOT, qDOT, and qVDOT, all else can be null
const getSymbol = (currencyId: InterbtcPrimitivesCurrencyId): string => {
if (currencyId.isToken) {
// only care about DOT
if (currencyId.asToken.isDot) {
return "DOT";
} else if (currencyId.isForeignAsset) {
// only interested in VDOT with number 3
if (currencyId.asForeignAsset.toNumber() === 3) {
return "VDOT";
} else if (currencyId.isLendToken) {
// only interested in 2 (qDOT) and 4 (qVDOT)
const lendTokenId = currencyId.asLendToken.toNumber();
switch(lendTokenId) {
case 2:
return "qDOT";
case 4:
return "qVDOT";
return "something else";

const storageKeyToNthInner = <T extends Codec>(s: StorageKey<T[]>, n = 0): T => {
return s.args[n];

const organizeReservedBalances = (data: ReservedBalanceData[]): AccountsMap => {
const map = <AccountsMap>{};

data.forEach((entry) => {
const accountId = entry.accountId.toHuman();
const symbol = entry.symbol;
const reservedString = entry.reserved.toString();
const reservedBalance: TokenBalance = {};
reservedBalance[symbol] = reservedString;

if (!map[accountId]) {
// create first entry
map[accountId] = {
reserved: reservedBalance
} else {
// entry exists, merge balances together
const existingReservedBalance = map[accountId].reserved;
const newReservedBalance = {

map[accountId].reserved = newReservedBalance;

return map;

const isLendTokenSymbol = (symbol: string): boolean => symbol.startsWith("q");

const transformEnrichedToOutput = (enrichedData: AccountsMap): OutputFormat => {
const output: OutputFormat = {};
for (const [account, data] of Object.entries(enrichedData)) {
const {reserved, underlying} = data;
const collateral: TokenBalance = {};
for(const token of ["DOT", "VDOT"]) {
const reservedPlanck = BigInt(reserved[token] || 0);
const lockedPlanck = underlying ? BigInt(underlying[token]?.locked || 0) : BigInt(0);
const totalCollateralPlanck = reservedPlanck + lockedPlanck;

if (totalCollateralPlanck > 0) {
collateral[token] = totalCollateralPlanck.toString();

output[account] = collateral;

return output;

// warning! mutates dataByAccountId
const enrichWithUnderlyingLocked = (dataByAccountId: AccountsMap, rates: LendTokenRate) => {
Object.keys(dataByAccountId).forEach((accountId) => {
Object.keys(dataByAccountId[accountId].reserved).forEach((symbol) => {
if(isLendTokenSymbol(symbol)) {
// strip the "q"
const underlyingSymbol = symbol.substring(1);
const lendTokensReserved = Big(dataByAccountId[accountId].reserved[symbol]);
const underlyingValue = lendTokensReserved.mul(rates[symbol]);

const newUnderlyingBalance: UnderlyingBalance = {};

newUnderlyingBalance[underlyingSymbol] = {
locked: underlyingValue.round(0).toString(),
rateApplied: rates[symbol].toString(),

// might need to merge data
const oldUnderlyingBalance: UnderlyingBalance = dataByAccountId[accountId].underlying || {};

// assign directly
dataByAccountId[accountId].underlying = {

return dataByAccountId;


const fetchReserved = async (api: ApiPromise, blockhash: string): Promise<ReservedBalanceData[]> => {
const accounts = await
.then((apiAt) => apiAt.query.tokens.accounts.entries())
.then((data) =>[key, value]) => {
const accountId = storageKeyToNthInner(key, 0) as AccountId;
const ccyId = storageKeyToNthInner(key, 1) as InterbtcPrimitivesCurrencyId;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const reserved = (value as any).reserved.toBn() as BN;
return {
return accounts.filter((data) => !data.reserved.isZero())
.map((data) => ({,
// reservedAsString: data.reserved.toString(),
symbol: getSymbol(data.ccyId)
.filter((data) => CCY_SYMBOLS.has(data.symbol));

const getLendTokenRates = async (api: ApiPromise, blockhash: string): Promise<LendTokenRate> => {
const apiAt = await;

const qDotToDotRaw = await;
const qVdotToVdotRaw = await;

// divide raw rate by 10**18
const divisor = Big(10).pow(18);

const rates = {
qDOT: Big(qDotToDotRaw.toString()).div(divisor),
qVDOT: Big(qVdotToVdotRaw.toString()).div(divisor),

return rates;

const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
const args = await argsPromise;

await cryptoWaitReady();
const api = await createSubstrateAPI(PARACHAIN_ENDPOINT);

const blockhash = (args.blockHash)
? args.blockHash
: (await api.query.system.number()
.then((currentProcessingNumber) => api.query.system.blockHash(currentProcessingNumber.toNumber() - 1))

console.log(`Querying blockhash: ${blockhash}`);

const reservedBalancesData = await fetchReserved(api, blockhash);

const dataByAccountId = organizeReservedBalances(reservedBalancesData);

const rates = await getLendTokenRates(api, blockhash);
const enrichedData = enrichWithUnderlyingLocked(dataByAccountId, rates);

const outputFormatted = transformEnrichedToOutput(enrichedData);

let writeFilePromise = Promise.resolve();
if (!args.printOnly) {
const outFilename = args.outputFile || `output-${blockhash}.json`;
writeFilePromise = fsp.writeFile(outFilename, JSON.stringify(outputFormatted, null, 2), "utf-8");
} else {
// print to console
console.log(JSON.stringify(enrichedData, null, 2));

await Promise.all([

main().catch((err) => {
console.error("Error thrown by script:");

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