Pipeline to create the Solr indexes for IntAct Portal Search by taking data from graph db (neo4j)
Creates Following indexes:
- Interactor Index
- Non Clustered Interaction Index
- Running instance of solr 7.3.1 with 'interactions' and 'interactors' cores created (Details below)
- jdk 1.8
- Embedded Graph db(neo4j) : Have your own at 'intact-portal-indexer/src/main/resources' or use the one that comes along with git pull in which case ignore the step
1. Download solr 7.3.1(http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/7.3.1/)
2. Uncompress the solr-7.3.1 zip or tar
3. Through command line go to root directory i.e solr-7.3.1
4. Create a solr home directory in your machine for eg. at /home/user/solr/solr-home
5. Execute : bin/solr start -s /home/user/solr/solr-home
6. Create Cores interactions and interactors as follows:-
a. Execute : bin/solr create_core -c interactions
b. Execute : bin/solr create_core -c interactors
7. Add following enteries to your /home/user/solr/solr-home/interactions/conf/managed-schema and /home/user/solr/solr-home/interactors/conf/managed-schema
a. <field name="text" type="text_en_splitting" multiValued="true" indexed="true" required="true" stored="false"/>
b. only if not present already : <field name="default" type="text_general" multiValued="true" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
c. <copyField source="*" dest="text"/>
d. Configure this as per your needs <copyField source="*" dest="default"/>
8. Restart solr
a. Execute: bin/solr stop
b. Execute: bin/solr start -s /home/user/solr/solr-home
9. Solr should be up and running at http://localhost:8983/solr
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<!-- Solr Indexer Profile Local Unit Test -->
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<!-- Solr Indexer Profile Local -->
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3. For internal developers there is one more profile called "ip-solr-indexing-hx", please ask a intact developer for the same
1. cd intact-portal-indexer
2. mvn clean compile
3. Run intact-portal-indexer/src/main/java/uk/ac/ebi/intact/portal/indexer/IntactPortalIndexerApplication.java with maven profile
ip-solr-indexing-local (given above)
4. Check logs, When you see message like 'Indexing complete.'. Check in your solr instance if index is created
1. Execute : mvn -Pip-solr-indexing-local-unittest test