SmartFace is a high-performance, scalable, face recognition server platform able to process multiple real-time video streams in parallel. Leveraging Innovatrics’ industry-leading algorithm, SmartFace allows system integrators to easily incorporate face recognition into their solutions.
Any system can integrate with SmartFace by using API (OpenAPI/OData) and pub-sub notifications (ZeroMQ).
For more information see:
- OpenAPI - Swagger UI
- sfcli - You can use command line based user interface to interact with the Smart Face API and receive notifications.
- docker - SmartFace can be easily deployed using docker containers.
Deploy SmartFace (ask for demo/installation
Start video face recognition using following CLI command (or use GUI)
$ sfcli camera add -s:c:\temp\wafs.mp4 -e:true
- Recognized faces - receive notifications using following CLI command (or use GUI)
$ sfcli --zero-mq-host localhost notifications -t:faces.insert