A simple swing-based file browser with ftp support and files preview.
mvn clean compile
mvn exec:java
mvn package
java -jar target/com.example-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- local & ftp files browsing
- ftp host:port, ftps, file encoding settings
- anonymous login support
- storing preferred ftp connection settings in a properties file
- file and directory icons based on the underlying system ui
- list entry go up a tree on the top
- tabs for different file lists
- support for simultaneous work with different tabs in slow file system environment
- toggling showing hidden files via toolbar or via menu item
- hotkeys support: enter for opening selected item, backspace for going up a tree
- zip archive contents browsing without explicit extraction
- opening text and image files in a standalone thread (opening files inside archive supported)
- loading files in a separate worker thread
- closing file preview on ESC or on 'Meta + W'
- zooming images
property name | type | value example | default value |
host | string | ftp.example.com | – |
port | int | 69 | 21 |
ftps | boolean | true | false |
username | string | innokenty | - |
password | string | P@$5w0r† | - |
file.type | one of {binary, ASCII, EBCDIC, local} | binary | ASCII |
There are three options to specify each property listed in the previous section:
- via JVM system property
- in a classpath resource named
- in
If any property is specified in multiple sources of the above, the upper source in the list gets the priority.