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Part 7. Notifications on Process Exit

Elizabeth Adams edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

Alert Setup

Let's create a SMS alert whenever a process exits.

We are going to follow the Trigger notification setup process outlined at here.

  1. Make sure your process data bucket is loaded.
  2. Click on the bucket's settings in the data shelf (under its name).
  3. Click on the Triggers tab.
  4. Select the data stream to trigger on (you can use the drop-down list to select from existing streams once a data bucket has loaded or you can type in the stream name/key manually; *note Safari does not support HTML5 dropdown lists).
  5. Select the conditional operator, in this case 'match'.
  6. Select the Trigger value that will trigger an action (manually type in the desired value). In this case, type in Exited as shown above.
  7. Click the '+' button to add the Trigger condition.
  8. Select the action (current actions available are notify by SMS or email).
  9. Click the '+' button to add the action.
  10. Input any verification code if adding a new phone number or email to complete setup.

Your trigger is now live and will fire whenever a process exits. Click done to return to the main screen.


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