This package is for anybody looking to take advantage of Webpack 4's impressive speed, moving from the likes of Grunt or Gulp for straightforward front-end compilation tasks. I use this, or variations thereof, for organic website development with Laravel and Homestead
- Compiles sass > css, minifies, and extracts to separate css file
- Transpiles javascript es6 to es5, minifies, and concatenates plugins
- Defines jQuery ($) globally
- Encodes small images and fonts to base64 for faster loading
- Runs Browsersync for hot reloading
npm install
npm run prod
your project root
│ assets.version.php
└───public directory (usually public or public_html - clone the package here)
│ │ index.js
│ │ package.json
│ │ webpack.config.js
│ │
│ └───dev (put all your raw/uncompiled assets in here)
│ │ │
│ │ └───scss
│ │ main.scss
│ │ └───js
│ │ main.js
└───build (compiled output)
│ │
│ └───css
│ │ main.css
│ └───js
│ │ main.js