Stream music from internet with ability to play/pause/next/prev
- Stream musics from internet
- Ability to Play/Pause
- First time show
like apple music app - Ability to show music info in
(if exist, because of user can close UI and music can play in background) and RemoteControl and LockScreen - Ability to control from RemoteControl and LockScreen
- Ability to handle errors like (connection poor, connection lost or any interrupt)
- Ability to show time and seek time (tap on a line to seek specific time)
You can use this player in any place of your code. It is possible to use without UI or in background
var files: [String] = ["http url 1 of a mp3 file","http url 2 of a mp3 file"]
// unique id used to detect playlist items
var uniqueID = ""
for file in files
uniqueID += file
AudioViewController.sharedInstance.SetPlayerItems(files,uniqueId: uniqueID)
let appDelegate : AppDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let vc = AudioViewController()
appDelegate.window!.rootViewController.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)