Add links from liked tweets to Pocket reading list automatically.
Steps to run (you'll need developer accounts for Twitter and Pocket):
- Fork this repository.
- Create an app via Twitter developer account (permissions: Read, Write, and Direct Messages). Add the API key and secret to the repository secrets as "API_KEY" and "API_SECRETKEY" respectively.
- Create an app via Pocket developer account (permissions: Add, Modify, Retrieve). Add the consumer key to repository secrets as "POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY".
- Get a permanent access token for Pocket (guide here). Add this to repository secrets as "POCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN".
- Enable the workflow in the actions tab.
Note: The workflow is written to run every 5 minutes, but GitHub actions may not trigger on time. This is because the action is run whenever GitHub has a machine available, which may take a while (source: Upptime blog).