A static makrdown blog system that allow you to build your own blog with Github Pages
Unlike Jekll or Hexo, MarkdownBlog doesn't require command line process.
To be short :
- put your markdown file into '/static/data/article' folder
- register your file in the '/static/data/article_info.json That's all
- Fork this lib to your own repo
- Go to Settings change the repository name to 'your-name.github.io'
- Then go to https://your-name.github.io, you will see the template (if not please wait for a minute)
- p.s: if u wanna use the newest version:
- copy out the data folder.
- delete whole repo and fork the new one.
- replace the data folder with your old data folder
- done!!
config file is in '/static/config/config.json', currently there are only a few options (I will add more trust me).
- page_title: string, this will be the title for the page
- enable_resume: boolean, set true if you want the resume link show on the top right, otherwise false
- nav_text: length 3 array, this is the text of the link in the top right (if 'enable_resume' set to false, second value will be ignore)
- me_image: string, img file name or empty sting. if is empty string like '', will use the animation, else use the image file which save in the 'img' folder.
- me_text: string, this the the text you can put to replace 'Hello' in the 'me' page
After setting your configration (of course you can use defualt), then you can blogging la~ Go to '/static/data/', thats all you need to manage, only this folder.
- put your markdown file (.md) into the 'article' folder (you can also create sub-folder under 'article')
- regist your file in 'article_info.json', this is the confusing part (if you know json will be easy for you)
- filename: your markdown file name end with '.md'
- title: the article title you wanna show in the very top of that article (will be h1)
- type: one article can belong to one type only, one type can have multiple aritlces, this will show inthe left side bar for guidence
- data: the date you write the article, this will show at the top rigth of the artilce
- Put all these info as "key":"value" pair seperated by comma ',' into a curly braket '{}', then put it into the article array also sperated by comma ',' Then it's all set! e.g you have two articles, the registration file will be something like this.
"articles": [
"filename": "class/my_first_article.md",
"title": "My first article",
"type" : "Class1",
"date": "1970-01-01"
"filename": "class/my_second_article.md",
"title": "My Second article",
"type" : "Class2",
"date": "1970-01-03"
Put all you image into the '/static/data/img/' folder, then anywhere if you wanna use the image, just using the filename.
- If you wanna add image into the markdown file, there are two ways
- Using the outside image then [](image-src-url)
- Put your image into the img folder then include uisng [](image-file-name.jpb)
fyi: image also support size control
![foo](foo.jpg =100x80) simple, assumes units are in px
![bar](bar.jpg =100x*) sets the height to "auto"
![baz](baz.jpg =80%x5em) Image with width of 80% and height of 5em
Local vedio is not supported, you can only include vedio from vedio platform
- Youtube:
- Go to the vedio page
- click 'Share'
- click 'Embed'
- copy the 'iframe' tag, e.g
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3EfhkI0Zs78" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- paste in your article
- Youku also supported