The idea of the project is to use SVG capabilities to produce a flexible chessboard with features you cannot obtain using simply HTML, such as arrow markers between two squares.
- Themeable interface
- Board rotation
- Graphical annotations (square and arrows)
- Event driven behaviors
Install the component and its dependencies:
bower install svg.chessboard.js
Include this component after including the svg.js library and svg.draggable.js in your html document.
<script src="svg.js"></script>
<script src="svg.draggable.js"></script>
<script src="svg.chessboard.js"></script>
Insert a board container somewhere into your document.
<div id="board"></div>
Then initialize the board with javascript :
var board;
window.onload = function() {
board = new SvgChessBoard('board', {
margin : 60,
squareStyle : 'wood',
pieceStyle : 'merida-outline-shadow'
board.addPiece('wKing', 'e2');
board.addPiece('bKing', 'e7');
Add a piece on the board
type : must be one of these values : wKink, wQueen, wRook, wKnight, wBishop, wPawn, bKink, bQueen, bRook, bKnight, bBishop, bPawn
square : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
Remove a piece from the board
square : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
Move a piece on the board
from : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
to : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
Toogle square color annotation
square : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
color : a color in hexadecimal format like "#FF0000"
opacity : a number between 0 and 1 like "0.5"
Draw an arrow betwwen two squares
fromSquare : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
toSquare : a square in algebraic notation like "e4" or "g6"
color : a color in hexadecimal format like "#FF0000"
opacity : a number between 0 and 1 like "0.5"
Rotate the board
Change squares texture
style : an image name without extension under the path {themePath]/board/
Change squares color (remove textures)
wColor : White squares color in hexadecimal format like "#FF0000"
bColor : Black squares color in hexadecimal format like "#FF0000"
Change pieces appearence
style : an image name without extension under the path {themePath]/pieces/
Register an event listener
eventName : The name of the event
eventListener : a function
This event is fired before a piece is dropped on the board and can prevent if the piece can be dropped or not after a drag.
board.on('beforedrop', function(e) {
// Check if we can drop a piece
var legalMoves = position.moves({ verbose: true });
var move = e.detail.move;
e.detail.candrop = false;
for (var i=0; i < legalMoves.length; i++ ) {
if (move.from == legalMoves[i].from && == legalMoves[i].to) {
e.detail.candrop = true;
This event is fired after a piece is dropped on the board and can be used to update the board.
board.on('afterdrop', function(e) {
var move = e.detail.move;
move = position.move(move);
switch (move.flags) {
case 'k' : // Kingside castling
if (move.color == 'w') {
board.movePiece('h1', 'f1');
} else {
board.movePiece('h8', 'f8');
// ...
This module requires library.
Pieces themes and textures come from ChessX