A simple desktop app for storing book details in an SQLite database. It has all CRUD features using different buttons in the GUI. The app is built in Python but compiled to .exe for Windows in the dist folder
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
After cloning the repo, install the required modules using
pip install tkinter sqlite3 pyinstaller
In the event you have challenges installing pyinstaller, you could downgrade your pip version to 18.1, install pyinstaller then upgrade it after
pip install pip==18.1
pip install pyinstaller
pip install --upgrade pip
In order to compile the front end file (which contains the back end file via import) to a single executable file for Windows, use the following command
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed *front end file name*.py
The --windowed option ensures that there is no command line which opens in the background behind the main window