It is a simple asynchronous and non-blocking web interface for Program AB. Program AB is the reference implementation of the AIML 2.0 draft specification. AIML is a widely adopted standard for creating chat bots and mobile virtual assistants like ALICE, Mitsuku, English Tutor, The Professor, S.U.P.E.R. and many more. Program AB was developed by Richard Wallace (contact [email protected]) and first released in January, 2013. More info about Program AB: That name comes from an american animated television series called Pinky and the Brain.
1.1. Download the pink-<version>.zip file from the latest Pinky release at download page.
1.2. Unzip the file
1.3. Edit the pink-<version>/conf/production.conf file (self explanatory)
$ cd pinky-<version>/bin/
$ ./pinky
If you have curl installed, just run:
$ curl -d "text=test" -X POST http://localhost:9000/chat/sample/some_session
It should returns:
{ "text" : "Congratulation. It works!"}
Simply past your AIML 2.0 bot into pinky-<version>/bots dir. It does'nt require restart the server.
The bots must follows the AIML 2.0 structure dir. More info at Program-AB project page.