Project based on ktemelkov/node-xml2json, but is about only parsing. The main feature is ability to transform target object to remove xml structures bloating.
Parsing features:
- every complex object in hierarhy has '@tag' field with tag name.
- xml tag value placed in '@value' field
- Single valued tags assigned as fileds to parent object
- attributes axis are merged or placed to '@attrs' field
- two or more sibling tags with same name treats as array of objects(with that tags data) (example in
It does not parse the following elements:
- CDATA sections (*)
- Processing instructions
- XML declarations
- Entity declarations
- Comments
$ npm install xml-decoder
var xmldecoder = require('xml-decoder');
var xml = "<foo attr=\"value\">bar</foo>";
var obj = xmldecoder(xml, {mergeAttrs: true});
Example xml:
<items count="2">
<value attr="a"/>
<value attr="b"/>
Configurated options:
var options = {
mergeAttrs: true,
toArray: ['root/items'],
asArray: ['root/item'],
renameTag: {
Result object:
"root": {
"@tag": "root",
"items": [
{ "@tag": "item", "@value": 1 },
{ "@tag": "item", "@value": 2 }
"values": [
{ "@tag": "value", "attr": "a" },
{ "@tag": "value", "attr": "b" }
"nodes": [ "x", "y" ],
"item": [ 3 ]
- mergeAttrs, bool (default: felse) - flag to merge attrs with single valued child tags in common structure or not
- asArray, array of full paths in xml - force array for tag value
- toArray, array of full paths in xml - attributes of target tag ignored, target tag becomes array, child tags become array values
- rename, key-value of full path to new field name - rename (former renameTag extended to attrs)
- typecast, key-value of full path to type - override auto type casting
typecast: false, // disable auto typecasting
typecast: [ "path/to/tag": "number", 'path/to/@attr': "string" // attributes prefixed with @ ]