We have come up with the most optimized solutions to all your problems using advanced AI models that make your life easier.
- Automated ticket creation
- Automated issue creation
- Automated task assignment to members
- Reassign or extension of deadlines
- Automated Task Generation
- Smooth Project Workflow and Lifecycle
The funfact is all these are done via simple voice commands to our advanced AI model so that you don't have to tire out your fingers by typing.
- Install node if it's not already installed, via Node Official Website and configure the paths
- Install Git and Github, if it's not already installed, via Git and configure the paths.
- Clone this repository by running the command
git clone https://github.com/r7projects-shayan/agile-loop-hackathon.git
cd ./agile-loop-hackathon
cd ./frontend
npm install
npm run dev