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Releases: ibmtjbot/node-tjbotlib

TJBotLib 2.0.2

21 Oct 14:15
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  • Packaged TJBotLib as a hybrid CommonJS / ES6 module, so now it can be loaded through both import and require

TJBotLib 2.0.1

19 Jan 14:45
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  • Updated rpi-ws281x-native dependency to version 0.10.1 which adds support for Raspberry Pi 4 (thanks @CaskAle!)

TJBotLib 2.0.0

09 Nov 20:40
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Happy Birthday TJBot! 🤖🎂

Today is TJBot's birthday, and we are celebrating with a new version of the TJBot library!

tl;dr: TJBot is now up-to-date with the latest software dependencies so it will continue to function in light of major updates to Raspian, IBM Watson services, and Node.js. Also, this is a new major release that introduces changes that will break your existing recipes. Please see for more information on how to update your code for this new library.

Major changes include:

  • Updated 3rd party dependencies to the latest versions (including moving to the ibm-watson SDK)
  • As part of the update to the ibm-watson SDK, authentication credentials are now handled through environment variables stored in the ibm-credentials.env file
  • Revamped how asynchronous operations are handled by eliminating Promises in favor of async/await
  • Packaged TJBotLib as an ES6 module (e.g. so you now import TJBot from 'tjbot')
  • Added support for ESLint and fixed many, many lint errors
  • Added support for running tests via Jest and moved hardware tests to the main tjbot repository
  • Added JSDoc comments to all methods and generated API documentation at
  • Added a migration guide to describe how to transition from TJBotLib 1.x to 2.x
  • Added support for Common Anode LEDs (thanks @chungngoops!)

TJBotLib v1.5.3

04 Oct 13:42
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  • Changed default microphone sample rate to 16000 / 1 channel as per PR #57
  • Updated versions of pigpio and rpi-ws251x-native so they build on Raspian Buster

TJBotLib v1.5.2

03 Jun 15:18
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  • Fixed a minor issue with the error message when credentials are missing for visual_recognition

TJBotLib 1.5.1

17 Oct 16:10
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Summary of Changes

  • Added support to all Watson services for IAM apikey authentication. For each Watson service, the apikey credential will be used if it is supplied. Otherwise, it will fall back to the username/password. This change should preserve backwards compatibility with Watson services created before the rollout of IAM authentication.

TJBotLib 1.5.0

09 Oct 15:09
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Summary of Changes

  • Using new IAM apikey authentication method for Watson Visual Recognition and Language Translation. Please note that existing Visual Recognition or Language Translation services that use the older authentication methods (api_key or username/password) will need to be deleted & re-created in the IBM Cloud dashboard for you to obtain the new IAM apikey tokens
  • Added support for eslint, minor code cleanup as a result

TJBotLib 1.4.0

13 Jun 15:23
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Summary of Changes

  • changed references from Watson Conversation to Watson Assistant due to rebranding of that service, maintaining backwards compatibility with recipes that use 'conversation' in their configurations
  • updated watson-developer-cloud SDK to 3.x series
  • added support for iam_apikey authentication for Visual Recognition service

TJBot 1.3.0

26 May 18:26
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  • update soundplayer, support speakerDeviceId . more
  • fixed timing issue with listen()/stopListen() methods . more
  • Removed pulseOnce method, and changed semantics of pulse() method. more

TJBotLib 1.2.1

20 Apr 19:19
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Scope of Changes

  • Added new methods and documentation for tj.takePhoto(), tj.recognizeObjectsInPhoto(), tj.recognizeTextInPhoto()
  • Removed unused method tj._captureImage()
  • Increased the speed of tj.takePhoto()
  • Lazily loading aplay so it isn't loaded it if the speaker isn't included in the tjbot hardware