A restaurant food delivery service database implemented with drizzle.
version 0.21
(released after the YouTube video referencing this repo was published) changed the options in the drizzle.config.ts
file. This repo has been updated to reflect the changes. See this issue for more details.
View the dbdocs diagram here.
address {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String street_address_1
String street_address_2 "nullable"
String zip_code
String delivery_instructions "nullable"
Int user_id FK
Int city_id FK
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
category {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
city {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
Int state_id FK
comment {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
Int order_id FK
Int user_id FK
String comment_text
Boolean is_complaint
Boolean is_praise
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
driver {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String car_make
String car_model
Int car_year
Int user_id FK
Boolean online
Boolean delivering
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
menu_item {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
Int restaurant_id FK
Int category_id FK
String description
String ingredients
Decimal price
Boolean active
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
order_menu_item {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
Int order_id FK
Int menu_item_id FK
Int quantity
Decimal item_price
Decimal price
String comment "nullable"
order_status {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
Int order_id FK
Int status_catalog_id FK
DateTime created_at "now()"
orders {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
Int restaurant_id FK
DateTime estimated_delivery_time
DateTime actual_delivery_time "nullable"
Int delivery_address_id FK
Int user_id FK
Int driver_id FK "nullable"
Decimal price
Decimal discount
Decimal final_price
String comment "nullable"
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
restaurant {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
String street_address
String zip_code
Int city_id FK
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
state {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
String code
status_catalog {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
users {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
String name
String contact_phone
Boolean phone_verified
String email
Boolean email_verified
String confirmation_code "nullable"
String password
DateTime created_at "now()"
DateTime updated_at "now()"
restaurant_owner {
Int id PK "autoincrement()"
Int restaurant_id FK
Int owner_id FK
address }o--|| city : city
address }o--|| users : users
city }o--|| state : state
comment }o--|| orders : orders
comment }o--|| users : users
driver }o--|| users : users
menu_item }o--|| category : category
menu_item }o--|| restaurant : restaurant
order_menu_item }o--|| menu_item : menu_item
order_menu_item }o--|| orders : orders
order_status }o--|| orders : orders
order_status }o--|| status_catalog : status_catalog
orders }o--|| address : address
orders }o--|| driver : driver
orders }o--|| restaurant : restaurant
orders }o--|| users : users
restaurant }o--|| city : city
restaurant_owner }o--|| users : users
restaurant_owner }o--|| restaurant : restaurant
Copy the .env.sample
file and update the values accordingly. If you are using docker compose
you can leave the values as is.
cp .env.sample .env
docker compose up
npm run db:migrate
npm run db:seed
npm run dev:api
npm run dev:client