is a command line utility to convert OBJ polygon geometry to SVG paths.
is a command line utility to convert SVG paths to OBJ polygon geometry.
is a command line utility to convert SVG paths to G-code plotter toolpaths.
./obj2svg.py in.obj > out.svg
./svg2obj.py in.svg > out.obj, or
./svg2obj.py in.svg out.obj
./svg2gcode.py in.svg > out.gcode, or
./svg2gcode.py in.svg out.gcode
will discard Z coordinates, compressing all geometry into the X-Y plane.svg2*
will insert a Z coordinate of 0, generating geometry in the X-Y plane.svg2*
will automatically adapt Bézier spline sampling. This is not currently configurable.
currently only paths, not regular objectssvg2*
currently only path commands MmLlHhVvCcZz