v1.3.1 & v2.3.1 nullsafety
[1.3.1] - Decemeber 29, 2020
Introducing VxShapes with ext: VxCircle -> .circle(), VxEllipse -> .ellipse(), VxCapsule -> .capsule(), VxContinuousRectangle -> .continuousRectangle(), VxBevel -> .bevel(), VxTriangle -> .triangle() and VxTicket -> .ticket()
VxPlatform added to create a common widget for different platforms.
VxAnimator added exposing the animator package.
Added widget support to badge and new positions.
Added isIntrinsic prop for some widgets like DataTable which doesn't support layout builder.
Vx.getColorFromHex() added to convert hex to color.
Label Style and TextStyle added to the VxTextField.
Fixed shadow issues and introduced more shadows for box/container or similar widgets.
More Extensions - context : screenDensity, string: isNumber(),isLetter(), isSymbol(), isCreditCardValid(), bool: toggle(), Iterable: sumBy, sumByDouble, averageBy, filter and more.
Widget Extensions - stroke(), fractionalBox(), px(val), py(val), rotate60(), rotateN60(), clipHalf(), aspectRatio(), and positioned().
withAnimation returns AnimationController to control and dispose it manually.
Many Bug Fixes.
You can’t perform that action at this time.